As he walked back from his bathroom to his futon he started feeling dizzy and hot . He knew exactly what was coming this time. 'Here we go again, hopefully this is almost over . ’ Fortunately for Izuku, the first heat is the easiest, only lasting two to three days at most. After that they’d last about a week, coming along every three months. Those would be brutal. He gave up on making it to the futon and climbed into his bed just as the pain struck. It was going to be a long, miserable day.

  Katsuki sat at his desk staring out the window. He liked the silence in the morning. He loved being the first one in the classroom so he could prepare himself to deal with all the extras. Not to mention that this morning in particular had his head racing with thoughts he wanted desperately to rid himself of. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get Izuku’s scent out of his head. He wanted, no needed to inhale that scent again. Just one more time would be enough. It was just so intoxicating. Usually omega's had a sickly sweet or overwhelming floral smell, but not Izuku. His scent was strong, bittersweet,  with the perfect hint of spice. It  reminded him of home, and was perfect in every way .  He wanted, no needed to inhale that scent again. Just one more time would be enough .  Though, the thought of Izuku being the  perfect omega with the perfect omegan   scent vexed him to no end, ‘No Katsuki, no. You hate that fucking nerd. Abso -fucking- lutely not. Get it together!’ He dropped his head to his desk and sighed. ‘Ugghh .... Can today be over yet?’  

   Soon the other students started piling into the classroom. Everyone was gossiping and laughing as Katsuki continued to sit quietly face down on his desk. This was pretty out of character for the alpha. Usually he was up causing a scene, yelling at someone, tormenting someone, or bullshitting with his squad, but today he didn’t say a word. His classmates noticed pretty quickly how quiet he was being, then noticed that Izuku hadn’t showed up to class yet. They were all getting worried. It isn’t like Izuku to be late or to skip, plus it was only the second day of school, and it certainly wasn’t like Katsuki to be so calm and quiet. Uraraka was the first to speak up, seeing as she’s Deku’s best friend.

“Did anyone see Izuku this morning?” There were a bunch of ‘no’s’ and ‘nopes’ from most of them. She noticed Bakugou didn’t move or say a word, “Bakugou have you seen Deku?” She got a growl in response.

“Bakugou I asked you a question,” she was getting irritated. Most of the classmates would have backed off Katsuki if he started a conversation with a growl, but not Uraraka. She was worried about her friend and she had a gut feeling Katsuki had something to do with it.

“No. Now fuck off Round Face, I’m not in the mood for your shit.” He shot her a demonic glare before laying his head back on the desk.

“What the hell is your problem today? Did you do something to Deku? And what in the world happened to your face!?”

Katsuki didn’t lift his head this time, he simply screamed into the desk, “I SWEAR IF YOU DON’T BACK THE FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE I’LL BLAST YOUR FUCKING FACE OFF!!!”

  Now that they’d gained the rest of the class’s attention, Iida jumped up to defend his mate, “Bakugou that language is unnecessary. There’s no need to treat a fellow classmate that way! And if your injuries are severe please go to recovery girl and get them taken care of straight away!”

Katsuki had all he could take already, and class hadn’t even started. He was so close to just blasting them all to pieces right there. By the time Iida was done Todoroki was walking up ready to say his peace too. As Kirishima seen Todoroki get up he followed, this was only getting worse by the second. Usually Katsuki would be all for the challenge, but today was not the day. Everyone started yelling over each other and Katsuki got up, grabbed his things, and walked out of class. He passed the teacher as he walked out the door.

“And just where do you think you’re going Bakugou?”

“Home.” Katsuki didn’t even spare a glance towards the older alpha. He just kept walking.

“Class hasn’t even started. You need to go get in your seat. Skipping your second day of class is a sure-fire way to fail my class.” Jooryoku stood in the doorway staring at the blonde. He hoped that his strict tone was enough to get the boy to turn around.

“Listen Extra, I’m not dealing with their shit today, or yours. I’ll be back tomorrow. For right now just fuck off.” Katsuki came to a halt, putting his middle finger and thumb to his temples with his right hand, covering the annoyed expression on his face. He was still exhausted and pissed off to say the least. He felt a headache coming on and this was not helping. He could already tell if he gave in it was only going to get worse, and while his parents are pretty well off, he didn’t quite think they could afford to rebuild the school when he blew it up because a bunch of useless fucks refused to piss off. 

“You know what, fuck it. Go home blondie. I’ve got a class to teach. It’s too early for this shit. You better be here 8:00 sharp tomorrow. No excuses.” Jooryoku had enough. It was only the second day and this kid was giving him trouble. It just wasn’t worth it right now. He’s usually a pretty easy going guy, but stayed strict when it came to education. This would be his one time exception, and because he was making this exception he was accepting nothing but the best from this blonde little asshole in the future. He knew he was a hothead, he had been warned. He just didn’t think the trouble was going to start already. The dark haired alpha sighed, rolled his eyes, and walked into class.

  Katsuki on the other hand only stayed long enough to hear ‘go home’ and was walking off. He threw up a hand as to say ‘ yea, yea, I got it,'  but didn’t bother to actually respond. He shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way back to the dorms. Once inside, he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and headed to his room. He stepped out of the elevator and turned down the hall.  He was lost in his head as he walked, not paying much attention to anything around him, or below him for that matter, until a certain scent caught his attention. Before he could even acknowledge what, or who, that scent came from, he was on the ground, face inches from smacking the floor, water bottle rolling to the end of the hallway. He fucking tripped. ‘What the fuck,’  he thought as he looked up at his drink rolling away. He then raised himself up so he was on his knees, he turned slightly to look behind him to see what the fuck he tripped over and much to his dismay it was a fucking knocked out cold Deku.

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