Chapter 28 - Oh dear, is she dead?

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As soon as you finally regained consciousness, shouts echoed round your ringing mind. It seemed as if you were in the Asgardian infirmary, grateful for Thor's speedy rescue. The slash had seemed quite deep and near ankle tendons, which could prove to be problematic. One thing for sure, if you had died in Asgard, the gods would probably never be forgiven. 

"Lady Y/n! You're alive!" Thor whispered, from your hisses at his loud voice "We need to leave immediately."

You couldn't really make out your surroundings quite yet, but at his urgent tone you attempted to sit up quickly. The two Thors and two Lokis melded into one as your view finally unfazed.

"Wha-?" you mumbled, tongue heavy in your mouth.

"Aether. Jane. Malekith. The Elves." Thor continued, frantically summarising it in a hurry. 

His soft yet judgemental voice interrupted "Relax brother, she's been unconscious for the past day."

"Right." Thor cleared his throat and prepared to explain,"Loki has a plan." 

"He does?" You were surprised, Loki's plans were most ruthless and mischievious, which was sometimes not adapted to the situation "A good one I hope." 

"When are they ever bad?" he grinned, flipping his hair back; Thor rolled his eyes dramatically. 

"Is that a rhetorical question?" You raised an eyebrow, linking with his emerald green eyes, very unconvinced. 

"Shut up." 

"So what's the plan then boys?" 

"We need a ship to bait Malekith with the Aether." 

"You're going to use Jane as fish-bait for a dark elf that wants havoc and chaos to be the kingdom upon which he rules?", with every word, your voice raised. The chance that this plan succeeds and rings an end to Malekith's rule was very slim. Plus the fact that they were ready to gamble Jane's life in this dangerous game. "Thor, are you fucking alright?" 

The god winced slightly at your harsh words but then again, it was justified. He knew of the risks but also Jane couldn't live like this. Hopefully, he could save both Asgard and Jane with this.

"Lady Y/n..." he sighed

"No." Loki answered for him, shrugging but glad to able to cause mischief and mess around with people. 

Eyes wide in disbelief, they flitted from one brother to another, "Are you both mad? I pass out for a day and this is what you come up with? What did Frigga say?" 

"She'll keep the Allfather busy." Loki nodded, smiling. 

"Oh my God. Well then let's go." you answered, swinging your legs over the side of the bed hastily. You stood up and started walking around the infirmary, stumbling a little. On every surface possible, you clung on for dear life, feeling the scar that had appeared on your ankle from Malekith's blade. The two gods followed you carefully, unsurprised at your strong behaviour. 

Finally, you let go and strode through the corridors, shoes echoing on the shiny marble tiles lining the floors. Most of the attack had been cleared or closed off momentarily, waiting for the repairs to be done. It kind of dampened you that this gorgeous castle, home to Loki and Thor had been attacked and destroyed by evil. But you couldn't dwell on that. 

Asgard was strong anyways, there wasn't much if any chance that it would ever disappear or get destroyed. 

The pair of them walked at the same speed as you, one on each side. 

"Maybe you should calm down Lady Y/n. You are still recovering." 

"Malekith is planning his return. We have to beat him to it. I'll recover later." you countered with determination. 

Once in front of your room's door, you excused yourself for half an hour, enough time to get ready for this. You showered quickly and slid on your suit, feeling like your second skin. Then, went to grab what you thought might be necessary in a bag for the trip. When that was done, you slipped on your boots, tying the laces and closing the buckle with a satisfying click. 

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ