Chapter 14 - Pain, pain go away, come back another day

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A week later:

We were all sitting in the living room, clearly exhausted from the mission we had just come back from. I collapsed with a thud on the plush couch so did the rest of the Avengers on either the beanbags or the floor itself. 

Seeing as everyone was so tired, I decided to have a bit of fun and try to read their minds. Sure, Loki hadn't taught me just yet but I could give it a shot. 

I took a deep breath and let my magic course through my body to my eyes. All the Avengers were too tired to notice my eyes slowly turning golden. 

I decided to start with Tony's mind, carefully. I measured out my breathing and power so he doesn't notice. Softly, I manage to enter it as discreetly as possible.

God I'm tired. But honestly wasn't I badass when I kicked that agent and then the blast. Yeah that was cool. Got to add a few things to the team's suits though. I was feeling like the nanoparticles effect could be smoother. Maybe we should add another function with titanium making it... 

Bored, I slipped out of his mind as stealthily as I had entered. He was a genius for sure. However his scientific monologues after a five hour mission and six hour time difference were too much for me to handle. I let my mind reflect a bit on what he said and made a mental note to ask him to help. 

Then, I slid over to Steve's mind. Steve was splayed over a beanbag, his arms drooping to the floor and occasionally coughing. 

Memory playing: 

"Awww, Steve, you're such a true sweetheart." Riley coos as she tiptoes to kiss him softly on the lips. They were both under her porch, rain softly pattering around them but sunny glows on their faces. In her hands was a bouquet of orange and white flowers. Riley had wavy brown hair and brownish green eyes. She seemed so sweet and loving. They exchange heart eyes and he holds out one of his arms for her and the umbrella in the other. 


I think I might be in love. Maybe. Does Riley like me? Does she think about me? Did she like the flowers? Did I call her yesterday? 

I chuckled lightly before imprinting in his mind "Relax Cap'." Steve suddenly jumped up and looked around to see who said that. Seeing all of us passed out around him, he shrugged before collapsing once more on his beanbag in fatigue.

I moved on to Thor, who oddly enough seemed full of energy and was playing about with Mjolnir. 

We been doing all this late night talking 

All this late night talking ...

I have to admit this Midgardian song is very good. Very catchy. Nines, I'm so hungry I could eat an ox. Let me go and grab some snacks. I wonder if- 


I quickly left the blonde god's mind and suffered greatly to stifle my laughter. Thor had this energy in him that no one else had. 

Clint, Bucky and Nat were actually asleep so I decided to leave them alone for now. Dreams are often chaotic and can reveal trauma and secrets. Both of which I didn't need anymore of. 

This left Sam and Loki's minds. 

I entered Sam's mind and left it the next second as he was thinking of some stupid memes he showed me yesterday. This guy seriously. 

Around Loki, I was twenty million times more careful, my mental steps measured. He had such a strong mind and sharp skills, he'd probably notice me in a second. With all the precautions in the world, I slowly stepped in. He was softly reciting verses from a poem. 

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now