Chapter 27 - Does Santa know you've gone rogue?

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The palace the next morning is an interesting sight.

Even though you had awoken at eleven in the morning, a slight buzz in your head, the corridors were silent. Solely the sounds of boots on marble and armour clinking were audible in the palace, as regular as the ticking of a clock. 

The scent of breakfast was still lingering in the air, although the fragant foods had been stored away near an hour ago. Your stomach couldn't hold anything, not after last night's extensive partying and feasting. So far, only a goblet of apple juice had entered your system. 
The pounding in your head intensified at the sight of daylight and the sound of voices  reverbrating in your skull. You groaned, feeling dizzier by the second. 

Remembering where Hannah had said the infirmary was, you traversed corridors and pillars to the oak doors. 

You opened them gently and slid inside, closing them quickly behind you. A few women turned to face you, their eyes gliding over. One of them stepped out and offered you a kind smile, wiping her hands on her apron. A few patients were lying in beds in the far end of the room, sleeping or resting peacefully, the treatment immediate.
On your left hand side, bottles and ingredients crowded massive mohogany shelves, labeled and organised carefully.

"Hi, I uhm, needed something for my headache." You requested nervously from all the eyes that were on you.

"First time partying in Asgard?" The lady asked, warmth infusing her face. She had long brown hair styled into a braid at the back and even though her face was young, a few long strands of white streaked through.

"Yeah..." you chuckled lightly, rubbing your aching temple. Even laughing had become painful by now. 

"No worries, take this and you'll be fine." She handed you a small orange vial and gestured at a chair on the side for you to settle down upon. You swirled the liquid around and it shimmered in the limelight. "Come, sit down." 

You downed the drink in one go, not allowing yourself to linger on the bitter taste, swallowing it instantly.  A shudder ran through your body but was immediately followed by a wave of coolness in your skull and hunger. The pounding, waving, whirling was gone; you felt as if you hadn't partied way too heavily the night before. 

"Thank you so much! I think I'm going to find something to eat now." 

"Take care." she replied, waving goodbye before returning to tend to a warrior with a huge shrapnel in his thigh. 

Thor was waiting outside the infirmary, leaning against the cream stone walls, playing with Mjolnir. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and a kind smile appeared on his face. 

"I take it you haven't risen well after last night's reveling?" 

You laughed a little "Not really no. I usually don't get hungover but I guess Asgardian alcohol hits harder." 

"It is indeed stronger. However, it does take one to not pass out upon ingesting it. I do recall you danced a lot last night, you did not even appear unwell." He observed, and you could tell he was thinking about something in the corner of his mind.

"Yeah, it hit this morning." 

"Ah well. I was to inform you that Mother wanted to meet you in her drawing rooms." 

"Thank you Thor, I'll see you later!" You answered brightly, striding confidently to where Frigga resided. 

Upon your arrival, Frigga rushed to the door and closed it after you, in a haste. She put a finger to her lips and beckoned you to come to the center of the room. Jane was present as well; she looked scared and shied away from your touch. 

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant