Chapter 20 - I do love nothing in the world so well as you-is not that strange?

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Morning creeps us on us rapidly, dawn showing its colours gradually.

Our chests are rising and falling in unison to the beat of our hearts .

I knowed not how or why she loved me so dearly, why she had such an attachment for me. Me with many murders from my blade, me who tried to dominate Midgard, me who pushes everyone away. Every time I try to rid myself of her, she comes back, ever faithful, ever kind, ever loving. 

What did I do to deserve such love? Perhaps the Gods have decided to shine for once in my forsaken existence. She comes in bright like sun, shining like stars and fresh like a morning breeze. I have never understood how love was distributed in my life. For my father I'm a political pawn, for Thor I am a brother and Mother loved me like nobody else loved me. I couldn't tell anyone but I missed her. 

I opened my eyes to look at the woman sleeping across from me. Her eyelids fluttered delicately in her sleep as soft breaths escaped her pretty lips. Strands of hair drip down in front of her face and her entire person exhudes trust and the sweet fragance of love. Her scent lingers around me, such a unique one. It reminds me of cherry blossoms in the spring and fresh seaside air in the summer.  As a look at her sleeping figure, a quote from the midgardian playwright comes to my mind. 

"I do love nothing in the world so well as you—is not that strange?" - Much Ado about nothing

It is strange how I love her more than anything in the world. Me who previously said that love makes you blind and a fool. However after a small examination, I reassured myself that I was neither blind nor a fool. Yet my heart thumped dangerously in my heart at her presence and butterflies were released when her voice rung out true and fair. 

She started to stir next to me and her eyes slowly opened. Those gorgeous, deep y/e/c eyes. The first time I saw her and those eyes, I was ensnared, trapped in its pretty depths. When I came to the tower and everyone saw me as a monster but she saw me as something else. As a friend, then a best friend then perhaps a lover? I knowed not. How I wish I could court her, make her my Kaerasta. All those soft and wonderful things she did with me... 


"Loki." she turns to stare at me firmly, amusement hidden behind her furious eyes.

"What darling?"  I glance up from my phone to look at her 

"Did you eat some of the cookie dough?"  She points at the glass bowl where the chocolate chip cookie dough sits, fresh from being made. 

"No."  I answer calmly, wiping the remnants of dough discreetly on a paper towel.

"Loki." Y/n crosses her arms and stares at me, engaging in a staring contest with me. She breaks into a smile midway as usual in front of my expressionless face. "Why do you always win?"

"Because I'm simply superior. But to answer your question, the dough needs a bit more flour in my opinion."  I smirk 


She picked up a bit of flour and threw it in my freshly cleant hair and on my face. She steps back a bit when she sees my fury. I scoop out a huge amount and throw it all over her outfit. Y/n gasped and giggled, pinching more flour, both of us now engaged in a full out food war. 

"Hold up! Nobody told me we were starting a cartel here!" Sam laughed as he looked up from his phone, glancing at the counter, our red faces and the flour everywhere. He quickly snapped a picture before sprinting away. 

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now