Chapter 2- Draining training

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"Oh shut it will you?" I slammed my hand on my alarm clock, making the whole nightstand shudder. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and landed on the soft carpet. Then, getting up to my feet, stretched before going to the windows, opening them largely to let the cool morning breeze flow in. I took a few deep breaths to get ready to start my day.

Half an hour later, I was in the training room fighting against Natasha. I had neglected a bit of training recently, making her insist on checking I was back up to check, which to me, seemed a pretense to fight. Her strength and agility were my main issues when sparring against her. But also the fact she did not stop herself and always went full-out, no matter who, no matter what.

"Imagine you're fighting for your life, Y/n.", she would always say, her lip tilting when I huffed and always tried to attack her in the middle of her speech.

I'd try to kick her to the left and she'd block it, pushing me back harshly. To every punch and attack, she was equal. With a swift movement of my right leg, I tripped her up and she thudded against the crash mats. I gave her my hand to help stand back up but she pulled it hard, slamming me where she was a few minutes before. Yanking her wrist, I got to my feet and aimed for her stomach, her blocking it with her arm before spinning and putting me in a headlock. Finally managing to wriggle and punch myself out of her grip, I jabbed and aimed, time and time again, managing to have a few hits but no more than she. As usual, she pulled out her iconic thigh grip of death, spinning me around and slamming me onto the ground without remorse. We were just practising our moves on each other, but that one she had yet to teach me completely.

After an arduous fight, for me at least since Nat was beaming and seemed relatively calm, we ran two miles and did thirty push-ups as a competition before calling it a day.

I went back to take my shower, knowing that afterwards I'd have to meet with Loki in the training room for our first magic session. For the first two weeks since his arrival, he couldn't even step near the training rooms as they contained weapons. I could feel the Avengers were starting to be slightly less wary of him but still kept their guard up. Loki was rarely seen out of his room anyways. However on the rare occasions where he'd leave his lair, Loki had the courtesy of speaking more than five words to me and spare a few precious little smiles.

He didn't seem to care about us, living his life independently and as recluded as possible. He probably just wanted to be left alone and it was something I understood. It dimmed Thor a little to know his brother to be such an outsider, trying his best to tug him out and get the team to warm up to Loki. But then Thor would ruin these efforts by recounting stories of their childhood, often filled with mutual stabbing, bearing a large grin.


My usual routine done, I went into the kitchen to grab some breakfast, massaging a painful spot on my ribcage where a bruise was surely going to appear. Clint was there munching on some toast peacefully, hearing aids clearly out of his ears for some necessary quiet whilst Thor looked desperately lost as to how the toaster worked to eat his Pop Tarts. No matter how many times anyone would explain it to him, he'd always forget. It was as if someone ran a windshield swipe over his memory regularly concerning that.

My body followed the exact same steps as nearly every morning, as if on autopilot. It did its thing, allowing my mind to roam aimlessly. The thoughts over breakfast were different than from under the shower, the latter allowing deep reflection mostly on myself and life.


I hadn't practised my magic much and I wasn't expecting anything from myself as I entered the room. My abilities had always seemed dark and brought refelx chills even though I didn't know where those originated from. The team hadn't pushed me to train those anyways as I had been underage before and Nat had taken up the job of training me.

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now