Chapter 19 - Me and my broken heart

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The next day, the whole tower is subdued, silent. You don't leave your room as far as you know, Loki neither. Luckily, you had a stash of snacks and didn't need to even face the rest of the team or Tony. You were absolutely fuming at him. You knew how to take care of yourself for god's sake! 

Three days pass and despite the team's desperate attempts to drag you out of your room, none prevail. Nothing can move you, neither human nor god, neither food nor kind words. From what you grasped as well, Tony and Pepper had gotten into a fight concerning this as well. The team had your back but couldn't go up against Tony so everyone stayed silent. 

One night, you decided to go outside. You needed more food and just to see something else than your closet, bathroom and room. The moonlight traversed the bay windows and shimmered on the floor as silence hung heavy in the air. 

You focus your ear when you hear movements in the kitchen. Slowly, you retreat to your room before grabbing a dagger from your bedside table and heading back. Instead of facing an intruder, you see Thor? 

He was eating pop tarts with a cup of water sitting on one of the kitchen stools, casually. 

"What are you doing here?" you spat

"Lady Y/n! You have left your room!" a smile appeared on his darkened face. He did look genuinly concerned and happy but you couldn't interest yourself with that right now. 

"Yes and not to see anyone." 

"I'm not one to make suggestions... or to impose... actions but you should check on my brother. Last time anyone of us tried, we had to go to the infirmary or were not answered. You might be the only one capable of getting to him. Furthermore, we've been hearing crashing sounds and loud noises. I'm worried about him. He's always been so sensitive even though he hides it well. It has not been easy for him." 

"What? Why?" you come closer, your original reserve forgotten.

"Alas, I cannot be the one to tell you, only my brother can." Thor sighs before going back to eating his midnight snack.

You hastily grab as much as you can carry before stowing it away to your room. Then you fix your appearance before knocking at Loki's door. 

"Loki... It's me, Y/n." Silence greets your words. You know he isn't sleeping because his aura is pulsating with anger and strength. "I know you're awake and you can hear me." 

Surprisingly, the door clicks and you are dragged inside before the door is locked once more. Everything is dim, there is no light. You carefully channel your powers to form a ball of light at your fingertips. The room looks awful. Shards of ice and glass lay on the floor, the sheets are ripped off, holes cover parts of the walls, furniture is upturned. 

Your voice softens as you call out to the god "Loki?" 

"What?!" hisses a voice in the low light. You can't make him out anywhere 

"Where are you?" you whisper softly in the darkness

"Somewhere I can be a monster in peace." he answers, his voice dripping with hate and spite. 

"You're not a monster." 

"You know one of these songs you've been singing?" 


"The one that goes: 

All I need is a little love in my life 

All I need is a little love in the dark

A little but I'm hoping it might 


Me and my broken heart... "

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now