Chapter 12 - Life as an Avenger is never normal

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"God please tell me I'm not in the infirmary again." I croak as I wake up in a completely white room

I hear a few chuckles resounding around me, mixing with the beeping and dripping of the machines around me. 

It was painful to even open my eyelids but I scrambled the bit of strength recovered to sit up. After my dizziness had subsided, headache cleared and the blinding of the room stopped, I managed to make out the faces of my fellow Avengers. 

There was Steve, Bucky, Sam, Nat, Clint, Tony, Thor, Pepper, Bruce and Loki. 

I tried my hardest to smile; trying to reassure them that I was fine. As soon as Tony linked eyes with me, he turned off his earpiece and strode towards my bed. Quickly, his arms were around me, holding me tight. His warming cologne crept up my nostrils, conjuring a feeling of home and warmth. Was Tony really hugging me right now? 

"Thought you didn't do hugs tin can." I whispered, my voice slightly broken by being unconscious for so long. I could feel a smirk growing on his face and he lightly smacked the back of my head. 

"Glad to have you back Pixie." 

One by one the team did their speeches on how happy they were to see me again and how they'd murder every HYDRA operative, blah blah blah. Only Loki stayed silent. 

"Well thank you all for your most truly wonderful words. I knew I was fantastic and special but it didn't mean you had to recite a book for me. Although I do appreciate your attempts. " I grinned and all the Avengers scoffed; bright smiles on their faces, happy to see I was still as witty and sarcastic as before. 

They had all brought me gifts and told me they'd come to see me as soon as I was cleared to go back to my room. I hated hospitals, the clear, bright, clinical chill of it all. The beeping of machines unerved me. 

After a light chat, everyone left. Everyone except Bucky and Loki that is. Bucky turned to Loki and asked him to leave us alone for a few minutes. The emerald eyed god rolled his eyes but obliged. 

Bucky came to sit on the chair beside me and picked up my hand with his flesh hand. He started to rub soothing circles on my skin. For a while, neither of us knew what to say, probably the HYDRA memories still fresh in our minds. He started speaking first 

"So Y/n how are you feeling?" 

"I don't know Bucky... It's a knot of feelings that I'm unable to untie." 

"Yeah I get that." We were both silent once more. His long brown hair covered his face as his head was inclined towards the floor. Softly, he put my hand back down and fished something out of his pocket before handing it over to me. My gaze lit up as I saw my favorite type of candy. 

"Don't let Bruce catch you. Or Tony. Or Pepper. Or Steve. You know what? As a matter of fact don't let anyone catch you with it. But if you do, it's not on me." 

"Jame Buchanan Barnes!" I exclaimed in shock. "Come on, you have to stick with me until the end. If it's your fault I got candy, it's your fault. End of story." He chuckled breezily and put his hands back in his pockets. 

"Do you want to talk about it? I mean, you and I are the only ones here who have felt HYDRA and it's power. So I guess I'd understand." 

"I don't want to weigh you down, Bucky" I mumbled with a sigh, nervously fiddling with my nails and fingers. The things HYDRA did to me once I was back were so horrible and heart-wrenching, I couldn't wish for him to hear, see or experience it. He was only healing, how could I burden him with such things once more? 

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now