Chapter 16 - Your prince in fine Asgardian armour

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Once the breakfast table had been cleared and cleaned, Nat and Bucky nearly dragged me away to my room before locking us in. 

"What's going on between you and Loki?" she asked, eyebrow raised and smile on her face

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." 

Bucky shook his head whilst chuckling. I sent him literal daggers with my eyes.

"Uh huh. You're good at geography right?" Nat continued, looking around at my room and with an innocent tone in her voice.

"Yeah I guess?" I felt I knew where this was going but at the same time, I hoped it wasn't.

"Did you the Nile was a river in Egypt?" she said too innocently 

"Shut up Nat!" I shouted, throwing a pillow at her grinning face before slumping on my neat bed. "He likes someone else, I'm sure." 

"Girl are you okay? I saw the looks he gave you at breakfast and in general. And when you go on missions oh my godddd..." Nat crossed her arms over her chest and looked at me from head to toe, looking for something wrong.

"Right? He was only Y/n this, Y/n that; and then we'd look at him weirdly and he wouldn't speak for days after." Bucky continued 

"Also, how angry he was when HYDRA kidnapped you, am I right?" 

"YES! Why is nobody talking about that!" Bucky cried out and they continued laying piece of evidence one after the other. 

"He likes someone else.." I sighed defeatedly

"Come on doll. I'm sure today will prove it after Nat's idea." Bucky whispered, pulling me close and grinning like a wolf.

"Fuck you both." I mumbled

"More like fuck Loki girl." Nat responded whilst checking her nails. How she just dropped that so casually. Bucky had gasped and fallen to the floor in hysteria.

"NATASHA ROMANOFF!" I shouted before tackling her to the ground whilst both she and Bucky were dying with laughter. 

"Y/n? Are you alright darling?" asked a voice from the other side of the door. A deep, melodious voices that sent warmth throughout my body. How I hated how soft and caring he sounded, how he had used darling and how he was worried about me. Nat and Bucky did huge O's with their mouthes and gasped. Worst timing ever Loki. 

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry! I'll be out in a minute!" I shouted, still on top of Nat and furiously covering her mouth before she said anything worse. 

"Do you want me to wait for you?" 

"Go ahead, go ahead, it's fine!" I hissed as Nat kept trying to shove me off, bright red from laughing.

I heard his footsteps fading and finally got off Nat. 

"Doesn't like you huh?" Bucky asked, clearly not buying my bs. 

"Bucky, does Loki talk to you like that?" asked Nat, facing Bucky.

"No and you?" he responded, acting all clueless

"No. Never has." 

"Huh." They shrugged their shoulders, gazing at me.

"Both of you just- ugh." I wasn't going to keep arguing or fighting a losing battle. 

"Okay missy, now you are going to change and look hot as hell and we'll see who doesn't like you." Nat said as she shoved me into the walk-in closet

"Sometimes Nat I want to kill you." 

"I know, I know." 

Bucky left me and Nat alone to change as well. As soon as she was gone, she started diving in my swimsuits looking for something good. I hear her groan several times. All of a sudden she pulls out a green bikini with golden hoops at the side where hips went. The straps were thick to ensure there were no unfortunate accidents but it did show a bit. Not enough to make me uncomfortable.

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