Chapter 6- Feelings

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You must have fallen asleep because something starts lightly kicking your ribs. Your eyes flew open, as you grabbed the nearest sword and got to your feet in a crouching fighting stance. Your reflexes were always a bit worryingly rapid, startling anyone who startled you.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down there Pix." Instead of an intruder, you see Tony still in his suit, covered in dust and a bit of blood, looking intently at you. "Whatcha doing there? Connecting with the floorboards?"

"No. I was uh... meditating because uhm... my powers need meditation. That's what Loki said anyways."

Faking to be impressed with a lopsided grin, "Oooh. Got to say Pix, that was real smooth. Cha cha real smooth."

"Shut up." you mumbled, slightly embarassed by the situation whilst difficultly trying to lift yourself, to no avail.

"Huh. Must have missed the memo where it said you could start bossing me around." he quipped back smugly.

"What do you want Tony?" you ask, still on edge by having been woken up and the events about Loki replaying like a broken disk.

"Well, first off, I wanted to check you were alive, and then the Avengers have to gather in conference room D." He spun round and marched off to the elevators, the metal of his suit clinking on the smooth floors.

You groaned in pain as you rose from the uncomfortable floor on which you've been asleep for God knows how long. You shoved the sword back in its sheath before stowing it away correctly. Then, you unplugged your phone from the speakers and trudged to the conference room, rubbing your eyes in an effort to awaken.

The Avengers entered one by one and greeted you warmly, like the family they were.

Where even were your parents? In a grave, killed for trying to fight off HYDRA from taking their only child. Your heart still tightens at the memory as you pressed your nails into your palm, a small drop of blood forming.

Bucky was the last one to arrive, gently ruffling your hair, "What's up buttercup?" he asked, squeezing your hand fondly before settling in the chair between you and Steve. Clint had both his feet and bow on the table making you pretty certain he could feel Tony's glare and was just deying him.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Tony exclaims, "Oh for God's sake! Hey Robin Hood, get your feet off my table!" Clint obliged with a scowl.

"Right Avengers. This last mission was extremely successful. By the way, sorry Pix you couldn't come. Somebody needs to watch after Reindeer Games plus it was dangerous. Anyways, we are faced with another mission."

Steve straightened up and faced Tony dead serious, Bucky was scrolling on his phone (he had figured out how to use it instantly, not like Mr America over here), Thor was flipping his hammer in the air whilst the rest of the team seemed more or less present.

"Tomorrow, Stark Enterprises shall host a huge gala. Fancy people, you know the usual. You guys will be present. In the case where you know some of us have a secret identity, you won't be going as an avenger but as a 'normal' person. Oh and you're warned. If ANYONE takes my credit card again to go and buy cheap alcohol, I will blast them off into space. Got it?"

A few chuckles rang out. Last time Tony hosted a fancy party, Sam, Bucky and Steve went to buy beer because they were feeling like it, ignoring Stark's fancy catering or death warnings.

"Is this another one of your Midgardian events where you go in fancy attire for an entire evening to chat with one another and consume liquor ?" Thor asked, seemingly enthused by the idea of fancy partying.

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now