𝟎𝟔𝟓 | Hoax

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"You're fucking whipped," Blaise's voice echoed through his ears, before he left Theo to meet his date, an older Slytherin.

I know.

Theo took quick strides towards her. The closer he got, the more he felt like the collar of his black shirt was strangling him, preventing him from breathing.

"Hi," he murmured. If his greeting was any longer, his voice would be high pitched.

When Ophelia turned around and saw Theo, she smiled. He looked good. Too good, in fact. It was no secret that he was easily one of the best looking wizards here at Hogwarts, but today, Ophelia thought he was the best looking wizard in Hogwarts.

And he hadn't even fucking tried.

His hair, as usual, was messy, curls resting atop his head in no particular order. He looked like he had run his hands through his hair a million times, yet it still looked perfect.

His blue eyes pierced straight into her soul when his eyes met hers across the hall, and Ophelia couldn't help but feel that if the devil had a face, it would be his.

He looked devastatingly handsome, in his all black outfit, the shirt, the slacks and the tie. Her eyes drifted down to the Rolex watch on his wrist, the latest model; the Submariner 16610. 

She never really cared much about money, but this was something she couldn't help but notice. He actually cared about his appearance, causing Ophelia to feel a flutter in her lower belly.

He dressed up for me.

Colin never cared what he put on. Whoever he was with. In a way, Ophelia liked that he was that humble. But she couldn't help but feel that perhaps he would take an effort and dress up for her; make her feel special.

"Hey," she said breathlessly, her pink lips forming a soft smile.

"Are your shoes diamond?" Theo asked her suddenly, his eyes drifting to her feet, which were encased in one-piece, carved diamond shoes made for her feet.

"Mhmm," she answered nonchalantly. "Daddy gave them to me for my last birthday."

"Won't you fall down? They look awfully uncomfortable. And high," Theo added. 

"I'm fine," she convinced him. "They're actually surprisingly comfortable. My glass slippers are more uncomfortable."

"You have glass shoes?" Theo inquired, his brows raised. "Merlin, you have me questioning your choices in shoes."

"What can I say, I have good taste," she flicked her hair over her shoulder, tilting her head back.

Just then, a ray of sunlight hit her tiara, causing the diamonds to glimmer and shine like she wore stars in her hair.

"You're wearing my tiara," Theo's appreciative gaze landed on the accessory in her hair.

"I am," she smiled, tilting her head so her waist-length hair fell back over the front of her shoulders. "Doesn't it look lovely?"

"Aphrodite must be jealous of you. You look divine," Theo bent down to kiss her knuckles, his dark blue eyes locked on hers.

Her breathing ceased abruptly, as if stolen by the wind. The air in her lungs became a distant memory in her heart, and her world had been narrowed to the point where breathing felt like a flashback.

blood like gasoline | 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐭Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat