🪩🍸Chapyer 22🍸🪩

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Y/n pov

After I was discharged from the hospital I sat at home the majority of the time hating myself for letting what happened happen. Rindou was over at the office doing something, hehad rarely been home to begin with leaving me to "heal" on my own. While I was sat on the couch I heard the front door open and Rindou walked through looking angry.

"Why would you lie!"

his voice was raised loudly which startled me.


"You didn't fall! CCTV footage at the club showed Mika Pushed you! Why would you lie to cover for her!" He asked

"Rindou please calm down..."

"She..she killed our baby..." he mumbled,

I got up and walked over to him even though it was painful.

"I know..I'm sorry I should have been honest about what happened...I was just so overwhelmed and I just didn't want you to end up doing something stupid and regret later..." I say.

"Rinny...love please look at me..."

I cupped his face in my hands and he met my gaze.

"I'm sorry, I promise Mika won't be in our lives any more..."

"Damn right she's not. I get she's your sister so I had some sympathy but this..."

"I know...and I'm so sorry that I let it get to this point...it never should have gotten to this point I just wanted to help her get better...I just wanted my sister" I say tears falling down my face.

Rindou sighed and pulled me into a hug, pressing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"God sweetheart you are way too kind for this world...way too kind..." he says.

I held onto him tight and cried, I had so many emotions, the grief of losing the baby and also my sister, on top of that the betrayal and anger too...

Rindou was gentle to pick me upC making sure I wasn't in any pain before he carried me upstairs to our bedroom. He carried me over to the bed and put me down gently before pulling the cover over us both


"Shh, I'm sorry I've not been home when you needed me, I'm here now, so just rest okay..." he soothed.

I nodded getting comfortable in his arms, I could hear his heartbeat which soothed me more, sending me into a much needed sleep.

(A/n: sorry it's short I have severe writers block rn 😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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