🪩🍸Chapter 19🍸🪩

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Y/n pov

Since Mika left I had this feeling of guilt that perhaps I was too hard on her for kicking her out. But at the same time part of me knew this was the right decision with the baby on the way, I needed to put their saftey first but having me not stress over her.

My morning sickness had been pretty mad lately so I was at home while Rindou went off to work. He wasn't going to be there all day just for a couple of hours to check up on stuff. When I heard the doorbell ring over and over I was a little skeptical to answer, when I checked the Ring camera I saw it was Ryoko so I answered.

"Hi Ryoko"

"Hiya y/n can we talk?" She asked

"Sure come on in"

Ryoko came in and took a look around, admittedly the house was sorta a mess but I was going to get the work done once the nausea had passed.

"No wonder Mika left look at the state of the place" she says

"Excuse me?"

"Mika is staying with my friend, the one who helped her find you? After she left your place stating that you made her feel unwelcome" she says crossing her arms.

"She's right she's not welcome. I'm not having a prostitute living in my home and neither is Rindou. I don't care if she's my sister Ryoko I have a responsibility to make my life as stress free as possible right now" I say

"And why is that? Will a bit of stress kill you or something?" She scoffed

"I'm pregnant Ryoko, that's why, and I can't afford to have any stress put on me otherwise I'll miscarry"

"Don't be ridiculous you can't just miscarry from stress" she laughed

"..this isn't my first pregnancy I was pregnant at 21 years old and I miscarried from too much stress. I can't go through it again." I told her

She nodded and sighed

"Does Rindou know about this other baby?" She asked

"No. But that's something that I should tell him when I am ready to. So do not say a word to anyone of this." I told her sternly.

She just shrugged and nodded before grabbing her bag.

"Don't go getting lazy just because you're pregnant okay." She says before leaving.

Rindou pov

I was finishing up the last few things at the office when Ryoko came in with a type of look on her face.

"I've just been to pay y/n a visit see how she's doing" she says

"she had pretty bad morning sickness, how she doing?" I asked

"She's fine, fine enough actually to open upto me about already having a kid" she says

"What? But that's not possible this is our first kid. Her first kid?" I frowned

"Yes this is your first kid but y/n has already been pregnant with her Ex. You didn't hear it from me though" she says

Before I could say anything more she was away leaving me stunned. I needed to know what she meant so I quickly packed my stuff up and went home.

When I got in y/n was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher and smiled when she saw me.

"You're back sooner than I thought?" She says

"Yeah can I ask you something? I need you to be completely honest with me" I say

She nodded while closing the dishwasher door.

"Do you have a kid with your ex?" I asked


She didn't hesitate or anything and straight forwardly denied it.

"Let me guess Ryoko?" She asked

I nodded and she sighed.

"She twisted my story, it's not something I like to talk about and I don't know why I thought I could trust her, but when I was 21 I found out I was pregnant but lost the baby due to an intense amount of stress caused by my ex. The topic came up because she tried to guilt me for kicking Mika out and I told her I couldn't deal with stress while pregnant because I can't have another miscarriage" she explained

"I see, she told me you had a child already and this isn't your first" I say

"This is my second pregnancy, My first pregnancy I barely made it to week 10" she says

I nodded and went over to give her a hug and a small kiss.

"Even if you did have a kid y/n I wouldn't be mad about it if that's what you thought" I said

She nodded and hugged me back.

"And don't worry about stressing yourself out, if you need to take days off at the club you don't even have to ask just do it okay" I told her

"Thanks Rinny" she sighed softly giving me a kiss.

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