🪩🍸chapter 21🍸🪩

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Y/n pov

After taking a few days off from work due to the accident I decided to go back to work. While I was sorting stock deliveries out I noticed Mika come wondering in. She looked rough and clearly been drinking again.

"Y/n..." she says

"You've been drinking again" I sighed

"I haven't—"

"Mika stop lying for god sake I can smell tequila and Vodka all over you. Your eyes are blood shot and you took a mess."

I tried not to yell. I knew she's struggling with addiction, and it's not easy to overcome it.

"Mom kicked me out...she said I'm too much for her and that dad was right for kicking me out and disowning me...please y/n I have nowhere to go..."

"you blew your chance with staying with us Mika, you lied to me and I can't have you in our home, not with the baby coming. I'm sorry I have to put my child first"

"So what do I do y/n!?" She asked

"Get yourself to a meeting Mika! I'm not here to baby you! You're 31 years old I can't hold your hand all the time and do everything for you. I offered you my help and support and you threw it back in my face when you decided to become a fucking prostitute!" I yelled at her.

The bar staff all stopped and I glared at them "mind your businesses and get back to work!"

I turned back to Mika and sighed "you're on your own Mika. Only you can get yourself out of this mess."

I went to walk away but she followed me through

"Y/n please! I'm begging one more chance!" She pleaded

"Mika I can't! Rindou wouldn't allow it and I honestly can't blame him!"

"So you're Just gonna throw your sister away!" She asked

"don't try and guilt me Mika it won't work!"

"you said you would always be there for me! You said no matter what you'd have my back!"

"That was before you disappeared for 12 years so don't try pulling that bull shit with me! I was 10 years old when I said that!"

"you still said it!!!" She screamed

Everything happened so fast and the next thing I knew I was flying down the emergency fire exit stairs and slammed into the door at the bottom.

She stood at the top in shock, I expected her to rush down but she just ran off leaving me there.
My whole body hurt, and the heel of my shoe was broken off.

I got up and I was in Agony. I managed to get upstairs and got back into the main floor area.

"ma'am... you're bleeding..." one of the girls pointed

I looked down and my heart broke.
"Mel...call my husband...tell him to come here now and that I'm having a miscarriage..." I said.

She nodded and grabbed the main phone. She got through to Rindou pretty quickly and luckily he was upstairs in his office still and he rushed down quicker than anyone could imagine.

"Baby what happened!"

"I wasn't paying attention and I fell down the emergency stairs...I'm so sorry I'm so clumsy..." I lied.

"It's those stupid new shoes, I told you they looked too high for you, come on get you to the hospital" he says picking me up.

I don't know why I lied to him, was I protecting Mika because I wasn't sure if she had pushed me or not?

At the hospital they did an ultrasound and confirmed that I had lost the baby... I was in bits, I didn't even notice that Rindou had his fists clenched until they started going white...


He didn't say anything and stormed out leaving me on my own.

"We're going to keep you in over night due to the fact you fell down a flight of stairs, just to be sure you don't have any other internal injuries or a concussion" the nurse explained

I nodded before turning over and hugging my stomach. I failed again to protect my baby, just like last time didn't make it past 12 weeks.
the door opened and Ran walked in.

"Rindou called me, I was close by are you okay?" He asked

"No...no Ran...where is Rindou?" I asked

"I didn't see him...I thought he would be in here with you.." he frowned

I shook my head and wiped away my tears. My mascara was smudged everywhere from crying but that was the least of my worries.

Ran sighed and leaned down pressing a kiss on the top of my head for comfort.

"I'm sorry about the baby y/n, you must be devastated, I'm gonna go find that idiot he should be here with you" he says

I nodded as Ran walked off to find Rindou.


I looked everywhere for Rindou, the last place I thought of looking always at our old spot where we went to as teens. When I got there I saw him sat on top of an old Cargo crate.

"Oi piss face. Your wife is in the hospital having a damn miscarriage. The hell you doing here?" I called

"I had one job. Make sure she's safe, this is the second time this week she's in hospital..."

"Both those were accidents and are not your fault Rindou. Don't kick yourself for it" I say climbing up.

I sat down beside him and I saw he had swollen eyes and tear stains.

"...been dead excited to be a dad...actually hoped they'd be a girl, be a girl dad" he chuckled slightly.

"You'd make such a girl dad, and you will one day, it's awful what happened today, and y/n..she's devastated and heart broken I can't imagine how you both are feeling" I say

"I feel awful, I feel like I failed. As a dad and a husband. W-what if she didn't fall? What if someone pushed her!?" He asked

"You think she was pushed?"

"It's possible, well yknow that Bonten has enemies, what if...what if one of them found out about y/n..and saw she was pregnant? I mean she's a small lass to begin with she was already showing at 11 weeks..." he trained off at the end.

I sighed and pulled him towards me making him lay his head on my shoulder.

"I'm 30 years old ya dont need to baby me Ran" he muttered

"Rin...you're always gonna be my little bro, and no matter what age we are, I'm always gonna be here" I told him.

"You really are the best big Brother Ran, I'd be lost without you" he says.

"C'mon, y/n needs you, they're keeping her in over night for observations" I say

Rindou Haitani x Reader <married to a stranger>Where stories live. Discover now