🪩🍸chapter 18🍸🪩

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Y/n pov

Things between rindou and I have been off since Mikas hospital stay. He's been doing more jobs at Bonten for Mikey lately leaving me to take care of Mika myself

"Y/n..." Mika says

"Yeah?" I asked

We were sat watching TV together when she spoke up, she sounded nervous about talking so I just listened calmly.

"stop being mad at Rindou and Ran.." she says

"Why? They called you a damn prostitute in the middle of the hospital, you aren't a whore or anything like that so don't think I'm just gonna stand there and let my husband and his brother slut shame you like that." I explained

"Y/n it's true though! Ran is right the way I was dressed that day was like a prostitute..." she says

"What are you saying..."

"My job it was as a prostitute...please don't be mad and me...you said you wouldn't be mad..." she says

"Not be mad!? First you make me not speak to my own husband for 2 weeks and I defended you and second prostitution is Illegal Mika! Obviously I'm going to be mad! I trusted you to come into my life again and I was going to help you get better! You were doing so well going to your meetings!"

"That's another thing...I never...I never went...the tokens are fake..." she says

"MIKA WHY!?" I yelled

"I went at first but I just didn't like it there!"

"you aren't supposed to! Because you should never have gotten hooked on drugs and booze in the first place dammit!! you lied to us! You lied to me and I trusted you I defended you!"

"Stop yelling at me! I'm a grown up I'm older than you I can do what I want!" She yelled back

"Not under this roof!. You wanna be a damn whore on the streets be my guest. Doors wide open, pack your shit and get out." I say

She looked at me shocked but I didn't say anything else and went into the kitchen to call Rindou.
It rang for a bit but he answered eventually.

"Rin hey..are you busy?" I asked

"No just with Ran having a game of pool, what's up?" He asked

"Can you come home? So I can apologise..you guys were right bout Mika. she just told me everything.."

"I'll be home soon"

He then hung up and I let out a long sigh.

"Y/n please don't kick me out...I'm sorry" Mika says

"No. No Mika I can't have you in the house...I'm sorry but I can't trust you.." I say

"But I'm your sister..."

"I know that but I have to put myself and my wellbeing first, especially since I'm pregnant..so please just leave..." I say

"Where will I go?" She asked

"I'll ring mom, tell her you're getting on a train and going to her. Same address as when you were first at home" I told her.

She just nodded before going to pack her stuff. While she was upstairs Rindou came home.

"Where is she?" He asked

"Upstairs packing...and before you say it don't both I already know" I say

"What? That I told you so?" He asked

"Yes okay, I'm sorry" I say

"It's fine, I But y/n you're her little sister your you shouldn't be dealing with her mess, especially when you're pregnant you should focous on yourself" he says

"I know, I'm gonna call mom I'm sending Mika to her" I say

Rindou Haitani x Reader <married to a stranger>Where stories live. Discover now