🪩🍸Chapter 11🍸🪩

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When Rindou and I got to my parents house I was a bit nervous coming.

"Ready?" Rindou asked

"Um...before we go in..." I say

"What? I've met your parents already y/n I know what they're like they're both pretty great folk" he says

"I have an older sister...she's same age as Ran..." I say

"A sister? She wasn't at the wedding though you never mentioned her you said you were an only child?" He asked

"We don't..talk to her. She met this guy and married him. Dad didn't approve of him because he was some druggie, one thing lead to another she got onto the drugs and that was what lead to dad cutting her off completely." I explained

"Ah okay makes sense now, but still why should I be aware before we go in?" He asked

"Just in case she decides to show up. Knowing mom she always had a soft spot for her so she probably would have called her" I sighed.

Rindou nodded before we both got out the car. While getting our bags out I saw mom come out the front door.

"Y/n you came"

She came over and hugged me.

"Hi mom.." I sighed

She pulled back and smiled softly before turning to Rindou.

"How is my favourite Son in law" she asked

"Hey Mrs L/n" Rindou smiled giving her a hug too.

"Rindou I've told you to call me Misaki" mom says

"How is dad?" I asked

Her smile faded and she sighed "come inside"

Once we were inside mom sat me down and cracked her knuckles one by one which was a thing she did when she was worried and anxious.


"His cancer has spread to his blood stream love..." she says

"What? But he had lung cancer..."

"Cancer can spread to almost anywhere in the body. But it commonly moves into your bones, liver, or lungs. When these new tumors form, they are made of the same kind of cancer cells as the original tumor.." Rindou stated

"S-so how long?" I asked

"Doctors said he only has a few weeks at most, he also has Sepsis which is what's killing him, they have him on antibiotics but we think the cancer will make it harder for him to beat the sepsis" mom explained

"Does she know..." I asked

"Who?" Mom asked 


She went quiet before nodded

"I called her, she didn't answer so I left a voicemail..."

"Corse you did. Because even after everything you still coddle her" I say

"Y/n she's my daughter, and one day when you have your own children you'll know what it's like to have an unconditional love. You both will"

"Really! Because dad had no problem cutting her out of the will" I say walking off.

Rindou got up and followed me into the kitchen as I went and poured myself a glass of water.

"Y/n I know you're upset but maybe your sisters changed" He says

"Rindou. With all due respect stay out of this." I say

"If I remember correctly you said to me that night and I quote "if I had a big sister then of corse id want her to be by my side no matter what" you have one, she may have made some mistakes but aren't we all flawed" he says

"I don't even know her Rindou. There's a 5 year age difference. I was 12 the last time I saw her. She left home at 17. Never came back." I told him.

"So as far as having a sibling goes Rindou I'm an only child. She's a stranger to me." I say tears forming:

He sighed and walked over giving me a hug.

"I'm not the right person to be giving advice on giving people chances giving my background. But if your sister does show up. Be civil, at least" he says

I nodded and just kept my head over his chest listening to his heart beat.

"I know you're stressed, and worried for your dad, but don't let your sister ruin these weeks with your dad okay." He says

I nodded again as I felt his kiss my head on the top, maybe Rindou was right. Maybe she might show up and be a new person? A better version of herself?

"I'm just scared...Could I be civil with her though...even after everything" I asked

"Only you can decide that sweetheart" he says

The nickname gave me a slight flutter in my stomach which surprisingly put me in a better mood.

Rindou Haitani x Reader <married to a stranger>Where stories live. Discover now