🪩🍸Chapter 20🍸🪩

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I really wasn't happy about the fact that Ryoko went behind my back and told Rindou about my past and also twisted the story when telling him. So it was only natural that I showed up at her house to get a reason for it. When I got to the apartment I rang the bell and a moment later Ran answered.

"Y/n hey this is a pleasant surprise"

"Is Ryoko home. Her and I need to have a little chat" I say

"Yeah she's home, come on in" he says

Ran let me in and I followed him to the living room where Ryoko was.

"Babe, y/n wants a chat with you, You want a drink or anything y/n?" He asked

"No thanks I'm not staying long" I say

He nodded and walked off to the kitchen. I then looked at Ryoko and I just wanted to slap her.

"What the hell are you playing at Lying to Rindou about me. i told you about my miscarriage because i trusted you as my sister in law. But then you go and tell Rindou about it but in a whole different way making it seem like I'm hiding a child from him!"

"I just said it how I remembered it" she shrugged

"No, You told him a completely different story and I want to know why? Do you have something against me? I've been nothing but nice to you so why are you trying to cause a problem in my marriage?" I asked

"Calm down y/n, don't want you having a miscarriage do we, it will ruin my new rug" she scoffed

"Couldn't give two shits about your stupid rug. Stay the hell away from me and stay out of my marriage."

She just rolled her eyes as I walked away. I didn't bother saying bye to Ran I just left.

I decided to go see Rindou at the club, as I was driving though I felt really funny and lost focus for a plot second: that was all it took for me to swerve and crush the front of my car into a light post. I wasn't seriously hurt and was able to get out fine when the medics got to me.

Rindou POV

I was getting ready to leave when I got a call from y/n, not expecting my I answered pretty causal

"Hey baby mama, how you doing!"

"Rindou..you need to come to the hospital..I crashed the car" she says

"Are you okay!? Is the baby okay?" I asked

"I'm in the ambulance now, nothing serious just a bit shaken up...I'm going to get an ultrasound just to be sure" she explained

"Alright, I'm coming straight away I love you"

"See you soon.." she says hanging up

When I got to the hospital I found y/n in a room and she was just getting the ultrasound.


"Shh I'm here, I'm glad you're okay" I sighed giving her a kiss.

"Everything looks well with the baby Mrs Haitani, be sure to take it easy for a couple of days and rest, you got lucky with just a bit of shock" the OB nurse says

"Thank god...thank you" y/n sighed.

"We'll keep you in for another hour or so just because of you blanking out behind the wheel," another nurse says

"You blacked out while driving!?" I asked

"It was for a split second" she says

"I don't care how long it was for, from now on you're not driving, I'm taking your car keys and licence away until after baby's born" I frowned

She clearly didn't have the strength to argue with me on it and just nodded while holding my hand over her stomach.

Later on in the evening y/n was Discharged from the hospital and was told to rest for a couple of days, she was still in a bit of shock from the crash but not too much.

"How you feeling?" I asked handing her a cup of tea.

"Awful...I couldn't have killed our baby..." she mumbled

"But you and baby are still here and that's the good thing"

"Doesn't feel like it" she says.

I sat down beside her and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry about the car too..." she says

"Don't be daft, cars can be replaced you can't, just glad you're okay" I say kissing her cheek.

She nodded and put the cup down so she could cuddle with me properly.

"Love you sweetheart" I sighed softly

"Love you too..."

Rindou Haitani x Reader <married to a stranger>Where stories live. Discover now