🪩🍸chapter 15 🍸🪩

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Y/n pov

Having Mika around as been pretty good, and I could see that Rindou was starting to open up to her as well. While I was in my office she came in with a smile on her face.

"I did it. I'm 3 weeks sober" she says showing me her token.

"Mika that is great news I'm so proud of you" I smiled standing up and hugging her.

"It's been hard, I won't lie I've been tempted with you and Rindou having that one glass a night but I'm staying completely alcohol and drug free" she says

"That's very mature of you Mika, well done" I say.

"But if you do ever want to be part of our night we can get some none alcoholic beverages in for you?" I offered.

"No no it's fine that time is for you and Rindou to enjoy together, besides I got myself a job" she says

"Oh? What kind?" I asked curious

"It's not ideal but I'm waitressing at a local bar down town, not as big as here but it's got a pretty good pay" she says

"Well as long as you stay sensible and don't go down that dark path again then I'm happy for you. And I know dad would be proud of you for turning yourself around. I know mom is" I say

"You've spoken to mom..." she asked

"Yeah we call every weekend to catch up.."

I could see slight hurt in her face,

"Mika nobody's stopping you from calling mom yourself, I'm sure she would love to speak with you" I told her.

"It's too soon...anyways I have to go to work I'll see you later" she says

"Alright, take care okay."

She nodded before leaving only for Ryoko to walk in.

"Ran's not here if you're looking for him" I say

"No I came here to talk to you actually" she says

"oh okay..what's up?" I asked

"We're basically sisters, so therefore we should be able to help each other out right?" She says

"We have our differences...but I suppose so yeah"

"Good, so you wont take any offence when I tell you that I've noticed you're piling on weight lately" she says

"Excuse me!?"

"Have you seen yourself lately?" She asked

"Did you come all the way upto my office to tell me I'm fat!?" I asked

"Well no this comes to my second theory, are you pregnant?" She asked

"No! No I'm not pregnant!"

"Have you tested?" She asked

"Please go! Like now. get out!" I demanded

I was getting more and more offended by the minute, and I just wanted her out.

She left and I shut the door after her. then I stopped a moment and frowned.

I grabbed my purse and I went to a local Pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. I came back to the club and took a test and then sat in my office and waited.

When I checked I gasped seeing two lines...it was positive... the door opened and I panicked as Rindou walked in.


"Sorry didn't mean to scare ya" he says walking over.

"It's fine..what's up?" I asked

"Just checking in, Ran said Ryoko came to see you and you kicked her out of your office and went freakish" he says

"I'm fine..."

"You sure? We agreed no secrets remember?" He says

He was right and I had to tell him.

"She came in and asked if I was pregnant since I've gained weight...I kicked her out because I got offended but..."

I reached into my pocket and pulled the test out and showed him. Rindou frowned as he took the test and his eyes widened.

"Y-you're pregnant..." he asked

"I know we haven't discussed it..."

"Are you happy?" He asked


"Are you happy? Knowing you're pregnant?" He asked

"Well...I suppose so...yeah I'm pretty happy" I say

"Then that's all that matters, if you're happy, I'm happy" he smiled.

"So this is it...we're having a baby" I smiled

"We are, and know if ask you to marry me, but you're already ma wife so...dunno how else to tell you how much I love you!" He chuckled

"Maybe a little get away? Just a night away at a nice hotel just the two of us?" I suggested

"Oh definitely, don't get me wrong I like Mika being around because darling I'm dying to get some alone time with you" Rindou whispered while kissing me.

Rindou Haitani x Reader <married to a stranger>Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora