🪩🍸chapter 3🍸🪩

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Rindou pov

On the day in the wedding I was a little less skeptical of what y/n would look like after seeing her yesterday. I didn't say anything to anyone about the encounter and kept that to myself.

"You dont seem as nervous" Ran commented

"Just gonna go with the flow" I sighed

Ran looked at me and his eyes widened

"You saw her!?"

"Shhh! Shut up!"

"You met her didn't you, when? Was it last night? Is she pretty? Hot?"

I punched him in the side and he doubled over

"Okay okay shutting up!"

"She's...very pretty...like exceptionally pretty" I mumbled

"Hot?" He asked

"Wouldn't say she's hot, she more of the beautiful and uh adorable side?" I say trying to remember her features.

"You fancy her?"

"Corse not. I don't even know her"

The door opened and dad walked in with a man and woman who looked similar to y/n.

"Rindou good you're ready, these are Mr and Mrs L/n," he says

"Pleased to meet you Rindou. We trust that you'll take exceptional care of our daughter?" mr l/n stated shaking my hand.

"Yes sir."

Was all I say as I greeted Mrs L/n took with a cheek kiss. After they left to take their seats dad looked at me and was about to say something.

"Save it. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for y/n and for mom. Don't get the wrong idea"

He shut up as Ran followed me out.

"Ran there you are I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Ryoko strutted over and clung to Ran's arm.

"Ryoko not now I gotta go with Rindou, go sit with mom and dad" Ran says

"But I'm your wife Ran,"

"I know. I have a job to do so just go sit down,"

Ryoko frowned and Ran sighed going into his wallet and pulled out some cash.

"Take it. And sit down"

"How much is that?" She asked

"100 grand"

She took at and walked off stuffing the money in her bra. Standing at the top of the alter I saw that all of Bonten was here.

"Final moment as a free man" Ran smirked

"I'll punch you again" I frowned.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome in the bride"

The moment I heard the doors open I turned around and when I saw y/n my eyes widened as she walked down the aisle with her father.

She looked at me and gave me a soft smile as her dad gave me her hand. It was tiny compared to mine..

Seeing her in a lighter setting I could really see her features, she was beautiful, her hair was long and thick down to her waist and was very light lavender, slightly lighter than her moms and she has silvery blue eyes. She was definitely very beautiful...

"Hi Rindou" she smiled softly.

"Hi y/n"

I gave a small smile as she held my hand tighter. I was kinda zoned out until I felt her nudge me to repeat what the officiant had asked me.

"Sorry what?"

"Do you know of any legal reason why you can not marry Miss L/n?"

"Uh no. No I don't"

"Then repeat after me, I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I (your full name) may not be joined in matrimony to (y/n full names)"

"I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I Rindou Haitani may not be joined in matrimony to Y/n L/n.."

"And y/n may I ask that you do the same?"

She nodded and smiled

"I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I y/n L/n may not be joined in matrimony to Rindou Haitani"

"And now for the vows...Do you Rindou Haitani, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love, comfort, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

I took her ring and got half way of putting it on when I stopped. Was I really doing the right thing marrying some stranger? What if I end up not liking her? Or something happens and I fail my promise to keep her safe?

"Hey...I know we're strangers, I know this may be scary for you, it's scary for me...but I'm sure everything will work out" y/n whispered.

She had this genuine look in her eye which made me feel weird but in a good way..?

I nodded and slid the ring on while saying I do, y/n did the same and the ceremony was over quicker than I thought.

Our parents wanted us to have photos and it was pretty awkward.

"I didn't think it would be this awkward..." I say

"I know.." she sighed

"You look really pretty though" I told her

"Thank you," she smiled shyly.

Ran came over and smiled

"I'm Ran, Rindous older brother nice to meet you" he says

"Hi Ran it's nice to meet you too"
y/n smiled

"This is Ran's wife Ryoko" I say

"Hi Ryoko" y/n smiled

Ryoko just gave her a forced smile and walked off. Dragging ran with her.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked

"No Ryokos just stuck up like that, nobody in the family likes her" I sighed

She nodded and the rest of Bonten came over.

"Y/n these are my close friends, there's Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho, Kokonoi, Mochi, Takeomi and Ran is also part of the gang"
I say

"Nice to meet you all," y/n says

"You too," mikey says

"You're very pretty" Sanzu says

"Yeah well she's my wife back off" I frowned

"you just met her 20 minutes ago, and you're already protective" Kakucho chuckled.

I didn't say anything and went over to the bar for a drink. Ran appeared next to me and I sighed.

"Do you think I can be a good husband to her?" I asked

"I think you can, you ain't completely heartless, when it comes to people important to you you're actually pretty caring Rindou. And I honestly think that you and y/n will make something great out of this" Ran says

I hadn't seen him this genuine in a very long time. He really believes that something could become of y/n and I...

"But if she finds out about the gang she's not gonna be happy that your a fraud and other unpleasant things" ran added

"I know. Which is why under no circumstances does any gang stuff get brought up when she's in a 50 metre radius of us. I'll discuss with mikey some code words to use so she doesn't get suspicious, perhaps make up that we're all a joking business,"

"Don't worry about that for now. Enjoy your wedding night. And enjoy getting to know your new wife. Before Sanzu or Koko steals her from you" mikey says coming over.

Rindou Haitani x Reader <married to a stranger>Where stories live. Discover now