🪩🍸Chapter 10🍸🪩

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Rindou POV

"What do you mean y/n wants a job here?" Ran asked

"She just wants something to do to fill in the day, it could be good having her as it means we get the jobs done quicker for Mikey since she'll be here and busy" I explained

"I suppose so, alright fine she can be a manager with us, but you can sort her an office" he says

"Yeah will do, also...I told her I loved her..." I say

"No way? What did she say?" ran gasped

"She loves me too...and knowing that..it makes me pretty happy" I say

"Ah man look at you being in love, that's adorable" Ran teased

"Piss off, don't make it embarrassing"

Ran just chuckled before leaving my office, I sat down and just started to make a start on the email that will be going out to the staff explaining y/n and her position. I had finished typing it out when y/n came in.

Something was clearly bothering her as she wasn't dressed in the way she usually did and was in sweats and a hoodie

"Sorry I know you're busy..." she mumbled.

"No it's fine, what's wrong?" I asked

"Dads in hospital.." she says

"Are you okay" I asked

She shook her head as tears formed in her eyes, I got up and walked over pulling her into a hug.

"What can I do?" I asked

"There's nothing you can do Rin...he's had cancer for years, it's terminal" she says

"You want to go back home to saitama to be with him? I can go with you? Or we can arrange for him and your mom to come stay with us?" I suggested

"I don't think bringing him here will be a good thing for his health, you don't mind me going home do you?" She asked

"Who said you were going alone?" I asked

Y/n looked at me and she looked surprised

"I- just thought you'd want to stay here...you know since you got "stuff" to take care of" she says

I knew what she meant when she air quotes the word stuff.

"Corse I'll come with you, what kind of husband would I be if I let you go through all this alone?" I stated.

She smiled slightly and hugged me which I instantly hugged her back.

"Thank you Rindou..."

"You don't need to thank me for anything y/n, anything that I can do to help or make you feel even the slightest bit better just say and I'll do it in a heart beat, promise"

"Just hold me for not please...is that okay?" She asked

"More than okay, I got some stuff to sort out but you can stay where you are" I say.

She nodded, shifting slightly so I could use my computer with her still on my lap. She was quiet the whole time that I worked, her head was resting on my shoulder and she was just fidgeting around with her wedding ring.

I knew her dad was ill but I didn't know what of or how serious it was, she tended to keep that part private.

"Alright, all done you got my undivided attention" I told her.

"Can we go home then..." she asked

"Corse here go wait in the car I'll be out after I spoke to Ran" I say

She nodded and took the keys heading out. I went along to Ran's office and went in to find Ryoko and Ran talking.

"Rindou get out we're busy" Ryoko frowned

"I'll be quick, I'm taking time off,
Y/n and I are going through to Saitama for a few days" I say

"You can't leave Ran to run the business on his own" Ryoko intevined

"Ryoko is right I can't run the place on my own you're the main boss I only cover the orders and payments regarding the bar you handle the rest of the expenses" ran says

"Ryoko can you step out a minute..?" I asked

"No. Whatever you got to say you can say it with me here" she says crossing her arm.

I sighed and looked at Ran.

"It's important, please can you handle on your own just for a couple of days, for y/n sake...her dad is in hospital...it doesn't look good..." I explained

"Shit..okay yeah go y/n needs you, it's fine I'll get Koko to help with the other finances he's better at money than me" Ran halved joked

"Thanks man, I'll keep you updated" I say before leaving.

When I got to the car y/n was sat on her phone. I noticed she was looking at pictures of her and her dad.

"Hey...it's gonna be alright. We'll go home and pack a bag and we'll drive over" I say.

"Thanks...for all this Rin, I really appreciate it" she says

"You're ma wife, I'm always gonna be here for ya"

She smiled as I leaned over and gave her a soft kiss before starting the car.

Rindou Haitani x Reader <married to a stranger>Where stories live. Discover now