Volume 6 Train Wreck

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After two weeks in that house after Haven, Ozpin and Qrow told us that it'd be time we head for Atlas, honestly I'm still not found of going there. I generally do not want to see Ironwood after what he did to my team and my sister. I don't care if he didn't have control over the system or those robot knoghts, it still happened because of his arrogance. But Ozpin told me that despite my feelings with Ironwood, that I needed to do what was right. I guess I never had a choice. At least Blake is back with us, boy did I get a hug after we explained what happened to me.

What else... Oh yeah, Eugeo is under my guidance I guess. Both as a Swordsman and to be a decent human being. And he's made a bunch of progress. I decided to look into my lightsaber's design and made a new one from scratch for Eugueo. Took a few attempts, but I did it. Ruby gifted him a pistol as a sign of trust. And made us official team members of Team RWBY, though wouldn't that mean our team would name would look like this? RWBY+KE? Just saying.

Right now, we're at a train station to go to Argus. Ruby went to go get a gift for me, and Yang. I'm currently with Eugeo and Qrow. Qrow wrote a message.

Qrow: It's been two weeks since the attack on Haven. The official report states that the plot to destroy Mistral's CCT Tower was thwarted by Ghira Belladonna and the Faunes militia group from Menagerie. A Huntsman and some students coincidentally visiting the headmaster were able to lend some assistance. Unfortunately, Leonardo Lionheart lost his life while trying to defend his school. And those responsible for organizing the attack managed to escape. But some good news I have is that Y/N is alive, he's different and is in a completely new body. And we were able to Retrieve the Red Rose Sword along gaining a alley who has the Blue Rose Sword, Eugeo. As I'm sure you can guess, there's a lot more to this report than I'm willing to say in this letter. But for now, what I'm trying to say is that we're on our way to Atlas, James. There's a good chances we'll get there before this letter does, but in case we don't, I need you to know that we're bringing a lot more than bad news with us. See you soon, Qrow.

Qrow puts the letter in the mail box as suddenly Ruby runs by and grabs my hand pulling me.


Qrow: Hey, what's with all the running?

Ruby: And what's with all the standing? It's almost time!

"Hey calm down, say... What did miss riding hood get me and Yang?"

Ruby: It's a surpise! I'll give it to you on the train!

Y/N crossed his arms as Eugueo pats him on the back.

Eugeo: Is she always like this?

"Oh you have no idea. But it doesn't make her less cuter."

Ruby uses her semblance to so we fly through the gate where we end up in front of everyone as Eugueo ran to catch up. She stops directly in front of Yang, as I crash into a metal poll.


Eugeo: You okay!?

"At this point, I'm not even sure..."

Y/N and Eugeo look over to where Yang was over Ruby.

Ruby: Ahh!

Weiss: What an absolute waste of time--

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