Volume 4 Looking for Answers

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Ruby and the rest of RNJR were taking care of a Grimm attack, though Jaune, Nora, and Ren noticed how... unusually cruel she was when fighting the Grimm. She wasn't using Crescent Rose at all, instead, she used Y/N's swords to strike down each Beowolf down with a angered look in her eyes. After they were done, Ruby puts the swords away as Jaune approaches her.

Jaune: Hey Ruby... Are you... doing okay?

Ruby: (Cold) I'm fine, Jaune.

Jaune: Really? Cause that, that wasn't 'fine'. Look, ever since Beacon, you've been more cruel, not towards us, but to the Grimm.

Ruby: So... Their monsters, we don't need them to be alive.

Jaune: So... Why did you grow your hair out? Doesn't that get in your way?

Ruby: No... I have my reasons why I grew it out. Let's get a move on.


Jaune is seen in a room from the Inn the village offered them, while Ruby was given Y/N's swords and Evoker, Jaune was given Y/N's MP3 player. He starts listening to 'Full Moon Full Life' while looking at a photo of him and Y/N at a restaurant.


Y/N and Jaune get into a sword lock, but then Y/N let's lose as Jaune stumbles forward as Y/N kicks him into the ground.

Y/N: Nice, you're getting a lot better. Keep this up and you'll do well in the Vytal Festival Torment.

Y/N then helps Jaune up as they head to a restaurant. As they were eating, Jaune hears Y/N's music blasting through his headphones.

Jaune: Hey, what are you listening to?

Y/N: Uh... Full Moon, Full Life. It's the second song that relates to my past. Or my life as a whole...

Jaune: How so?

Y/N: Well, in many ways. It's complicated. The good, the bad, the ugly... It's a lot.

Jaune: Does it have anything that could relate Ruby?

Y/N: No... I got this song before I met her. I didn't even care for romance back then. Some girls tried, but I just... you know.

Jaune: Reject them...

Y/N: You guessed it.

Jaune: What about Ruby, will you...?

Y/N: No, Ruby is different. Even with the dance that's coming up, if something... special happens. I won't run away.


Jaune sighs and then hears Ruby outside training to use two swords instead of staying what's she's comfortable with.

Jaune: *Sigh* Y/N... You have no idea how much everyone needs you, how much, Ruby needs you.

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