Volume 5 The Return of Ozpin

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Y/N returns from Haven and as he enters the house, Ruby dashes over to him.

Ruby: So what did he ask?

"Basically he asked the questions as everyone else. But he gave me a clue, to fight back a Blue Swordsman in Raven's tribe."

Ruby: What is it?

"It's called the Red Rose Sword, a counter to his sword. Hopefully..."

Ruby: Then should we move?

"We need to tell Qrow about it's existence. Though I'm still a little suspicious of Professor Lionheart."

Ruby: Yeah, its kinda showed. I know losing your team was hard, the fall of Beacon was hard on all of us... But we're back together.

"Ruby... I'm sorry for pushing this, but I seriously need my memories back. Please, tell me what happened. I... I need to know."

Ruby: I said, maybe later. You know how hard it is to even think about, let alone telling you how I saw you... die.

Y/N gets a mini flashback, he remembers seeing Ruby at the top of Beacon Tower, she was in shock, and sadness. Before a bright light came out of her eyes.

"I... I understand, just please make sure you tell me before we see the Professor again."

Ruby lends out her pinky finger.

Ruby: I promise.

Y/N takes it as the two smile. Jaune knocks on their door. Y/N then answers it and sees Jaune with his old headphones and MP3 player in his hands.

Jaune: Hey Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't give this back to you when you came back. But I thought, might as well do it now. You got some great taste, even if it's a little dark at times.

Y/N smiles as a tear comes out.

"Thanks for holding onto it."

Jaune hands over the device and headphones to Y/N who gladly takes it. He then puts on the headphones and turns on a song. Ruby reads the title. 'Full Moon Full Life'. Y/N gives her a headphone as she starts listening. Y/N thanks Jaune again and the couple sit on their bed, listening to music while Ruby read her comics. But the two fall asleep.

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Y/N starts having a dream. He was on the ground with a bleeding arm. He looks around and sees Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Qrow, some random kid, and Ruby on the ground. Ruby looks up and reaches her hand to Y/N. Y/N then sees someone. His eyes widen as the sight. It was a swordsman, blue, and had a sword that looked to be made of ice. The Blue Rose Sword. The Knight grabs Ruby's hair.

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