Volume 4 The New Journey and lost memories

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After Y/N woke up, he found out that he was in a new body with no memory is to why this was happening. His eyes were silver like Ruby's, he had a black iron sword, a laser sword that was purple, and he had a gun. And now he found himself in Goodwitch's office.

Goodwitch: So let me get this straight, you don't remember anything from what happened to Beacon, and have no idea why you're in a different body.

"Yes! The last thing I remember was my fight with Mercury, and then everything after that is a blur. By the way? What happened to Beacon? Where are my friends, where's my team?"

Goodwitch: *Sigh* This is very troubling. Mr. L/N... You died fighting someone. And it wasn't Mercury.

"Died? How?"

Goodwitch: You went head to head against someone named Cinder Fall. I don't know what happened, but the last time I saw you... You were surrounded by blue aura, a bunch of it, and well, this doesn't make sense at all, but you were somehow flying. I may not know what happened to you, but I know you had a lot of power.

"And what about my team, or my friends?"

Goodwitch: Your team... Died during the fall. Along with many of the other Persona users. Good or bad. Team RWBY has disbanded, Ruby and Yang are back at the patch, Weiss was taken back home by her father, and Blake's whereabouts are unknown. Pyrrha died during the fall, but Jaune, Nora, and Ren are still around. And Team CFVY are in Vacuo.

Y/N stands up from his seat and looks around and sees a Mirror, he walks towards it slowly, as he puts his hand on it, he sees his past self. Makoto Yuki. Just for a brief moment.

"This is so much to take in, people I cared about are dead, even my past self, Beacon's changed for the worse, and all my friends... Damnit. Why did this happen?"

Goodwitch: We don't know, some of our huntsmen and huntresses are investigating while others protecting towns and kingdoms. My qustion is... what are you going to do? Are you going to stay here and finsh Beacon, or are you going to go out and figure out yourself who would attack Beacon.

Y/N takes out the hilt and turns it on, revealing a purple blade.

"I'm going to find who did this. And I'm going to go under a new fake name no less."

Goodwitch: And that will be?


Goodwitch: Kirito huh... Well I wish you good luck, Kirito. Be safe.

"Where's the fun in that?"

Goodwitch: Just go, and good luck.


As Y/N was walking through a forest, a Beowolf tries to get the jump on him, but he dodges and pulls out his Sword and cuts it in half. Before he knew it, more Beowolfs appeared and started to surround him. He was about to try to pull out his Evoker but then released he didn't have it. He dodges another attack before cutting a Beowolf's head off.

Y/N pulls his gun out and shoots a few Beowolfs down before finishing the rest off with his sword.

"Well... That sucks, I wonder what happened to my Evoker..."


Y/N arrvies at a unknown city, and he reads the sign, but the words were too fadded to read. He enters, and while looking around, he sees a Blacksmith shop, a Inn, a Bar, the usual. But it also had a giant tree in the center.

"This must be the center of the town..."

???: It is!

Y/N turns around to see a girl with Purple hair.

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