Volume 5 The Red Rose Sword

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Y/N notices Ozpin coming downstairs here he was during his training. He stops

Ozpin: Hello Mr. L/N. I think it's time you know what the Red Rose Sword is and it's history, with the Rose side of the family.

"So it does have a connection to Ruby?"

Ozpin: I'm afraid so...


Ozpin: Yes... Both Red and Blue swords have dark pasts. Along with the family's that found them. The Roses, and the Violets. Generations of both Silver and another even rare trait to have. Gold eyes. How Silver eyes worked, the gold eyes were far more dangerous. When someone used gold eyes, it would not only turned Grimm to stone or dust, but also humans and Faunus. Both tribes found a sword to fight each other in a final duel. Each Tribe sent their strongest warrior who wielded those swords. The Violet's had the Blue Rose Sword--

"And the Rose's had the Red Rose."

Ozpin: Correct, these swords are known for being the only weapons to use a kind of magic, Red is fire, and Blue is Ice. And the Rose tribe won, and the Violet Tribe was wiped out, no one was left alive in that tribe. The two warriors' fight was a legendary fight only told through Generations, but the sword was used, for Executions on men, women and children, it didn't matter. Summer Rose told me that story, and I gave that information to the other Headmasters.

"Have you ever seen the Red Rose Sword?"

Ozpin: Yes, because it was Summer's second weapon. And I had to agree with her when I say, this sword is very dangerous and it could be worse under the wrong hands. After all, the Blue Rose Sword was hidden in a Glacier in Atlas Territory. As for Red, it was passed down till Summer decided to put the Sword in the biggest mountain in Mistral when she was pregnant with Ruby.

"So why didn't she want Ruby to at least know it's history?"

Ozpin: (Sigh) Summer... killed many people, they attack first, but she did kill and was ashamed of it. She didn't want to be like her ancestors and didn't want Ruby to even know about the sword's existence because of its power, and its history. As for Qrow's reaction to you mentioning that sword.

Y/N looks down for a bit.

Ozpin: Well, it's sensitive subject, the sword and Summer were a match made in the heavens. But he knows the histroy behind it, and it scared him the most out of Team STRQ. And now... since Summer is presumed dead, it's even more of a sensitivity subject.

"So... This sword has a horrible history behind it, even the fact Summer Rose... killed people with it. So? Why hide this? From her?"

Ozpin: It's what painted a target on Summer and Ruby along with Silver eyes. She had a powerful weapon with a very, very dark past. A civilization was wiped out for having better powers then the Silver eye warriors. Summer didn't want Ruby to feel like she was a part of something... awful. It may not seem or sound awful, but do trust me. It's histroy is beyond something that someone like you could comprehend over night. That sword, has a lot of blood on it.


Ozpin: So, do not tell Ruby about the sword's history, do not even bring her to retrieve it. You understand Y/N?


Ozpin: Summer Rose was a trusted alley, I respect her dearly, do you have not only have my word, but hers as well.

"Yeah... Yeah I can do that."

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