Volume 4 Finding Ruby

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New or Old Arcana's for the RWBY cast and Y/N or Kirtio.

Y/N aka Kirito: Death and Fool

Ruby: Fool

Weiss: Empress

Blake: Priest

Yang: Chariot

Jaune: Magician

Pyrrha: Star

Nora: Lovers

Ren: Emperor

Oscar: Hangman

Y/N wakes up in a bed that seemed to belong in hospitals. He looks around and sees Asuna by his side.

Asuna: That was very reckless of you.


Asuna: But you did win that battle. So, who are you really? Is your name really Y/N?

"Yeah... it is. Why are you asking?"

Asuna: I'm asking if you really are the Y/N L/N that Kotone Shiomi spoke so highly of...

"How well did you know her?"

Asuna: As well as two best friends would know. And now she's gone, dead. (Turns to you) And you were her leader, weren't you? Do you know what happened?

"Yeah I was her leader, and I don't remember or know what happened to her. The last thing I remember was my fight with Mercury Black and winning. That's why I came here, to get close to the truth of what happened."

Akihiko: I believe I can answer what happened.


Akihiko: You want to know what happened, Y/N, alright, since you had proven yourself, I will tell you everything I know, but I can't assure you will remember everything. After you attacked Mercury, you seemed confused when everyone was freaking out. You were then surrounded by soldiers and you made your escape.

Akihiko tells Y/N the events that transpired after his fight with Mercury. Y/N had went into hiding, a cyborg named Penny went up against Pyrrha Nikos in the tournament, and how she was killed. Then he told him about the unknown voice through the comms. Then the Grimm attack that caused Beacon to fall. But he did tell Y/N he heard that at the top of Beacon tower, Y/N was there, falling before he pointed the Evoker to his head.

Y/N then has a flashback, many of them. The events play through his head, but he didn't remember the summon of a Persona or why he was up at the tower of Beacon, or why he frought Cinder. Was he angry? Was he trying to save someone, Kotone maybe?

Akihiko: Then after a while, a silver light was seen at the very top of Beacon Tower. That's all I know.

"I see, thank you. I remember a lot more then I previously did..."

Akihiko: Good to know. I assume you have other matters to attend to.

Y/N nods.

Akihiko: Very well, I have a meeting with another king, so excuse us.

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