Chapter 18

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The moment TMZ posted the alleged affair between Tess and me, things got out of hand. The photographs were sold to more magazines and the article and other spins on an innocent dinner made it through the weekend newspapers.

When I was living in Ireland, I controlled everything that went out to the press and gossip mills. Every time I went out in public, I was alone or with Leah. She had been raised under the spotlight and knew exactly how to act in front of journalists.

Being around Tess, I behaved like an idiot. It was as if I couldn't think straight when I was with her. I only had eyes for her and how she felt around me.

I should have known that the possibility was there to be ambushed. Especially with Wren so close in the polls. They hadn't been seen together for a while, and there had not been an official statement made. She was possibly tailed the entire way to the restaurant.

Last time I was in my grandfather's office, I got invited to his good liquor. Unfortunately, today, I was here because of my tremendous fuck up.

I should've known better.

Chastising myself wasn't going to help Tess or my situation, but I couldn't help but feel responsible in a way.

We had sat in my garage in silence for over an hour before I drove her back to the apartment she shared with Charlotte. I let her cry softly at the new drama unfolding in our lives while she held my hand.

I hadn't heard from her since, and I hadn't tried to seek her out either. I was afraid of how she would react to the domino effect. Was she blaming me for the photographer's ambush? Did she think I had something to do with it?

The uncertainty was eating me alive.

My grandpa took off his glasses and put them on the desk before him. "I think I was clear on staying out of drama," he sighed from behind his desk.

I remembered. It wasn't like I was out there looking for trouble.

"I'm sorry I disappointed you." I tried. "But you should know that Tess is an old friend."

"Of course I remember Miss Montgomery. She was always around Wren and you." My grandfather supplied. "And it's not a disappointment, Callum. I just expected you to be careful. After the disastrous quarterly meeting, the board is after you."

Having your grandfather step in on your behalf as you were being roasted by the board you were supposed to lead was a new low in my brief career. "O'Leary is out for blood after you decided to skip him over for the position." That man possessed a deep-rooted hatred for me, and every chance he got, he made it clear.

My grandfather snorted. "It's my bloody company and I will do what I see fit for it." He pointed at me. "Your father died way too young, in that car accident that took both your parents' lives."

Remaining quiet, I swallowed the pain at the memory. I had been a sophomore at high school when the principal pulled me out of the classroom to give me the news of their demise. Wren had been my rock that fateful day.

How things change over the course of the years.

"The position was your father's, and would have passed on to you afterwards. I've taken you under my wing since he passed, and things have sped up on taking over."

I raked my hands through my hair. Fighting for this position to prove I was worthy of it was taking a toll. "It's a lot of responsibility."

My grandfather stood up and rounded the corner of his desk. "You belong here, grandson." His hand wrapped around my shoulder. "This is your earned place, and I couldn't leave my legacy to a better person."

When He Loved MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora