Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry Mr. O'Neill, there's nothing at this point that I can do." My personal assistant was adamant as I shut down the phone call and sighed in resignation.

I had just landed at the airport from a long flight from Ireland and my tenant didn't move out on time. Apparently, one of the seniors staying at my spacious loft, had misread the information my assistant gave them. I grumbled, watching the screen of my phone go dark while I thought on what to do. I couldn't kick him out. Which meant that I had to find a place to stay on short notice.

My apartment was rented out to businessmen alike that needed a base close to HQ and didn't like staying at hotels. As I spent so many days outside of the country and was gone months at a time, it was a good arrangement. Until now...

It was after ten at night and I felt bad for bothering anyone, but I knew I would have to call in favors. If it depended on the lady still eyeing me at the baggage claim, I would even get to stay at her place the way her eyelashes batted my way. Ignoring her attempts, I focused back on my phone to reach out to a friend.

Callum: Hey man, just landed at the airport. Trouble with my place. Can I stay at yours for the night?

Wren: Sure! Happy to have you.

Wren: I'm not home yet, but someone can let you in.

Callum: Thanks.

Making my way to the entrance of the busy airport, I couldn't help but to think of her. Wren and I caught up every time I was in the States, but Tess wasn't always with him when we did. He was my best friend, so it shouldn't bother me as much as it did. I should be happy for him. For them.

I knew she had moved in with him. My aunt's lengthy phone call, advocating for settling down like Wren had, echoed in my mind. Press shots of them together adorned society pages, taunting me. The memories of our last conversation played like a broken record on the way to Wren's new residence. Two years since I last spoke to her, strained by her relationship with Wren.

If I was truly sincere with myself, seeing Tess last time was the reason I stationed myself on the other side of the world. Working for the Irish division of Quantum meant I could stay away from the States... and away from her.

The cab dropped me off on the sidewalk. As I gazed up at the brownstone, a perfect family home, determination set in; I would spend only the night and find another place come morning.

My heart stuttered when our gazes met. Deep blue eyes I once thought I could drown in now held my attention.

"Hey, Tess," I muttered, partially stunned by her presence.

Her golden hair, tousled by the chill wind, framed her rosy-cheeked face. I blew warmth into my hands, observing her silently as unspoken tension filled the air.

"Mind if I come in?"

"Right!" She exclaimed as if I startled her, and she stepped aside to let me in. "Come in."

"Is Wren home yet?" I asked, stomping my feet on the doormat to wipe the clinging snow off my shoes.

"No. He went to a mixer with his father's acquaintances." She seemed lost in thoughts until she added, her brow raised. "What are you doing here, Callum?"

"I texted Wren from the airport—I'm staying for the night." I stared for a moment at her before our eyes locked on each other. She stumbled, gathering her cardigan tighter around her middle.

My carry-on trailed behind me as I moved to hang my coat on the rack in the hallway. Even without looking at her I knew she was studying me. How could she not? It had been two years since we last saw each other.

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