Chapter 7

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"Mr. O'Neill?" Debra's head appeared in the opening of my office door. "Your grandfather is on line two."

"Thanks," I answered, looking up from my screens. "And, Debra?"

"Yes?" She asked, looking at me from behind her glasses.

"Please, call me Callum." It was not the first time I had made the request. Nor would it be the last, but I'd keep on trying.

"I've been with the company enough time to have seen your late father at your age sitting behind that desk, Sir. You are all Mr. O'Neill to me." She said shoving her glasses higher up her nose, before disappearing as quickly as she had popped up.

She was a damn good assistant, and a pillar of knowledge to lean on when I got pushed into the position after my dad passed away, taking over his role.

I picked up the pending call. "Grandpa."

"My boy, do you have a minute?"

"Sure. I'll be up."

As I made my way to my grandfather's office, I remembered stories about how he started this endeavor from his parents' garage. To see how the company had changed over the years, blossomed into a skyscraper headquarters and numerous subsidiaries around the world, I felt proud at what he had built. I was used to traveling and responding to the needs of the company after I graduated, but once he would retire, I'd be the one calling the shots and making executive decisions.

The last years working overseas and learning about the business from every angle had prepared me for the next step. I was confident about myself and my position within the company, and yet the idea of losing my grandfather's guidance was unsettling.

It didn't take long to reach the upper floor of Quantum's HQ with the elevator. As the metal doors slid open, I entered directly into my grandfather's office. Or rather, my future office.

"Boy," he greeted me from behind his desk.

The office was spacious and framed in warm wooden colors. Nothing like the sleek and modern lower levels, as it was made completely to the tastes of my grandfather. The floor to ceiling windows had an incredible view of the city, and I found myself enjoying the scenery.

He stood up, taking off his glasses before his hand combed through his grey beard. Walking to the beverage cart, he motioned for me to settle on the leather chairs while he poured us a drink.

"Now that you're sticking around for a while, I'm adding some meetings to your schedule."

Cutting right to the chase, then. "More meetings?"

"You know why you're here." His brow raised, as if I should have expected this to happen. "It's time to take your seat at the board members' table and get the transition rolling." A dry laugh left him after clinking our glasses together. "I'm not getting any younger. He pointed to himself to make a point.

My lips curled up in a smile. We both knew he still had some fight left in him, but after so many years at the helm of the ship, he deserved to tan on a beach somewhere and enjoy a well deserved retirement.

"You still look great grandpa," I quipped, before taking a sip of the rich liquor. "When will these meetings start?"

"As soon as we can get them planned in." He rubbed his palms together and grabbed his tablet to open the calendar, eager to leave his entire legacy to me. "You will also be taking over some social functions and galas on behalf of Quantum, so people can see my successor getting ready to take my place."

"Is that necessary?"

On second thoughts, maybe that was not such a bad idea, despite how busy my schedule would be then—I wouldn't have time to think about her.

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