Chapter 8

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My heels clicked against the marble floors as I made my way through the foundation's office, folders clutched to my chest. I had spent yesterday evening preparing for an important donor meeting, my nerves making my hands clammy.

The Montgomery Foundation relied on donations from influential companies to fund our work, but securing grants was never easy. Which was why I had to be ready to pitch our goals and prove that partnering with us would be a wise investment for them. And maybe, just maybe, if I did well, it could be a step forward towards achieving my dream.

If only I could convince the committee of my worth.

"Jessica called in sick this morning. Food poisoning," the office manager, Reagan, said as soon as she spotted me going to my office. "Which means that you'll have to take over her pitch today. As an extra meeting." Reagan looked at her wristwatch. "In an hour actually."


I had taken time out this morning to prepare for my own meeting this afternoon, but this meant that I had no time to prepare further. Jessica was more seasoned than me in the foundation and did the bigger accounts.

"I know it's very last minute, but I don't have anyone else with an opening."

"Which of Jessica's accounts?"


The O'Neill's. My stomach did a somersault at the importance. I was pleased that Reagan wanted me to do the meeting, but that didn't mean that the conflicted feelings inside only grew.

My leg bounced nervously under my desk as I reviewed my talking points again. This meeting could make or break our chances at receiving Quantum's support, and getting them to donate something for the fundraiser.

"You'll do wonderfully," Reagan encouraged as I gathered my things. "Just speak from the heart."

I nodded, forcing a confidence I didn't feel. Public speaking had never been my strength. The shy girl my mother raised surfaced, making me wish I had Charlotte's boldness.

My phone buzzed with a new message as soon as I stepped into the car that was waiting for me. I glanced at the screen to see it was from her in our group chat with Santana.

Charly: How are you holding up? Big day today!

I smiled, thankful for her check-in. Just talking to her yesterday helped settle my nerves.

Tess: Nervous but prepared. Have an extra donor meeting at Quantum now. Wish me luck.

Santana: You got this!

Charly: Go get that money, honey.

My laughter made the driver check what was going on in the mirror but for once, I didn't care what he thought. My friends always knew how to put me in a good mood. Slipping the phone into my bag, I gathered up my things to head out. Time to prove we were worth investing in, and a great tax write-off.

The Quantum building towered over the city, all smooth glass and steel. I reviewed their website before stepping out of the car, just to make sure my pitch aligned with the visions of the company.

According to the details that Reagan forwarded me, I was meeting with a few members of their board, but I didn't have the time to look them up. I craned my neck staring up as I stepped through the revolving doors into the lobby. The ground floor alone was enormous in comparison to our office.

"Hi. I'm Tess Montgomery from the Mona Montgomery Foundation." I said once at the front desk, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. If there was one day that my look had to be perfect, it was today. "I have a meeting on the executive floor."

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