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What ships do you guys want? I'm a multishipper so I don't care. You guys can choose as long as I approve it and as long as it's not weird though!



I ran in as I felt the portal close behind me...

I hope this was a good decision...

I looked around and finally just looked at the ground sinking in everything...

what has my life turned into?


Great. JUST GREAT. This is my life now huh? Skeletons chancing me down as I become a skeleton myself.

I was standing there as a see edgy ass people walk by... most of them looked like they wanted to pick a fight with anyone they see, I can tell that if I even look the wrong way I would get jumped. What the fuck this is place? It was snowy and yet not that cold. They do have a good sense of style though. Looks better than my yellow royal-looking ass. These fucking clothes are uncomfortable as fuck, they felt so tight and Just eh.... Am I trying to torture myself?

Anyway, enough with the monologue though. I have a fucking identity crisis to do. One. WHO THE FUCK IS DREAM? Is that me? Why the fuck would someone be named Dream. Thats not even a real name. If I am Dream though then why don't I remember shit? Do I have Amnesia? Are they mistaking me for someone else? Why is this place so fucking weird?!

"Hehe... hahaha... HEHEH HAHAHAH!!" I just started laughing like a maniac. Why? It helps calm my nerves... I mean like. It's a free place. Like- your free laugh like a maniac. It's not illegal to just laugh like a maniac at the top of your lungs. Though the edgy ass people around didn't appreciate the fair singing number.

I finally stop though after a while and just. Stood there. I felt people pushing me telling me to "get out of their way!?" and trying to act all tough but I was too dissociated in the middle of the town. Like a completely normal person would do! I probably look like a crazy maniac which might be true considering I feel crazy.

This. This all had to be a Dream. Thats it. All Just a Dream. Hehe... Dream, "dream" Hehe yeah I'm not funny...

I Would try to remember everything and recollect everything that happened. So first... I woke up in the middle of what seemed to be a battle right? But what happened before then?... I remember uhh... lights? Red? Blue maybe? A very loud ringing sound as well... that's what I at least remember a bit... but then some memories don't feel like mine... the other memory was me fighting that weird goopy skeleton until we were arguing about something until he stabbed me in the chest right with his weird hentai looking tentacles?

And then finally I woke up. And the rest- well you can just go back and read the other fucking chapter I am not wasting my time on rethinking about that stuff.

anyways enough breaking the fourth wall.

I decided to finally get my shit together and walk around asking where I was and how to get the fuck out only to be met with a nice "fuck you!" Or "Are you a dumbass or something?"...

the people here are soooo nice...

I've been doing this for hours...

I have gotten no help, no guidance, no anything.

I just stood there. I was behind a building with the words "Grillby's" in the front. The place seemed nice and warm... CONSIDERING THERE WAS A FUCKING WHOLE-ASS PURPLE FIRE MAN IN THERE?... anyways I immediately ran out once I saw it.

I was back to square one...

Do you want to know a fun fact friends?

it's free to just scream. Like. This is a free country (I think?.. if I'm even still in the USA?) you can just scream right? It's not illegal. Just like how laughing like a maniac wasn't. So... that's what I did. I just... kinda screamed for a bit...

that was a nice way to get some energy out I guess.

I want to get out and-

"Hay asshole. What the fuck are you-" I heard a voice from behind me making me turn around.

"D-Dream? What the fuck are you doing here!?" It yells as I see an edgy skeleton. A bit taller than me...

"Why does everyone call me Dream?.." I asked... the edgy skeleton.

please.... please give me some answers finally...


extra scene!

the white and blue skeleton named Error 404... the supposed god would look in the dark void...

everyone was there... but not aware... no one was aware here.

he looked at his hands to see strings attached to him. It was not Error's strings... not his strings...

they were the creators...

everyone was connected to the strings...

even Ink who doesn't even have a creator.

Ink was aware. But refuse to acknowledge them. He loves the creators and respects them too much to not do anything about it... the creators were his god. He supported them no matter what they did...

Error was aware of them in a way... he thought the creators didn't have control of his actions and his thoughts... but... he was wrong... as strings would also be connected to him...

everyone had strings connected to them... Some more than others. Like Swap which wasn't just made by one person but by the public for the creators.

404... was annoyed... does he not get rights? Is he a god?.. he shouldn't be controlled by some creators...

he should get rights. He should be in control...


that would change...

someone's strings broke...

404 saw it...

the skeletons' strings would be on the ground as the small yellow would look at themselves in fear...

"how?.." 404 asked himself.

he had to know... he needed to know how to break free...

A forgetting Dream (Reincarnated book? Kinda?)Where stories live. Discover now