Chapter 30

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The sudden transition triggering Logan's immediate vomiting episode as he grappled with the disorienting effects of teleportation. I felt so bad for him, I couldn't even warn him about this particular side effect.
Alexander's eyes rolled in exasperation as he pointed toward our destination, the others gathered at a distance. Despite the gap between us, I could discern every detail with unnerving clarity:

Lily sat amidst the grass in front of a tomb, her legs crossed, her gaze fixed straight ahead, yet her eyes were an abyss of darkness, devoid of any trace of humanity. Around her, a cyclone of wind spiraled, forming a protective barrier, while Jade and the twins stood nearby, seeking shelter within its confines. But it was Lily's demeanor that sent shivers down my spine—a distant, eerie detachment as though she were ensnared in some unfathomable trance. A dark dangerous trance.

Her arms lay raised, palms upturned, resting upon her legs like sacrificial offerings to an unseen force. And then, as if orchestrated by some malevolent presence, cuts began to manifest upon her skin, multiplying with each passing second. Scores upon scores of lacerations marred her pale fragile flesh.

As the trio of demons relentlessly tried to break the protective barrier surrounding Lily, Jade, and the twins, their once alluring forms twisted into grotesque forms that looked far from human, contorted with frustration and rage. Despite their efforts, they were met with futile attempts against the unyielding wind shield.

Emmerie unleashed a barrage of fiery orbs, each one blasting hard on the wind's defenses. But it did not yield. Ramses stood tall, vines snaking around his arms like living extensions of his will, as he sought to overcome the barrier with unwavering determination. Magnus threw himself against the wind with desperate abandon, his entire being a testament to his relentless struggle.

Meanwhile, Jade and the twins clutched their daggers tightly, ready to defend against any breach of Lily's protective spell. Yet, as the cuts upon Lily's arms multiplied with alarming speed, a sense of impending doom settled over me. She wouldn't last long if those cuts got worse.

"She won't endure much longer; it is already taking pieces of her body as payment," Alexander's voice, tinged with a chilling detachment, whispered beside me, his indifference to Lily's predicament made me flinch.

Logan seized Alexander by the collar, a move that typically resulted in the elusive demon slipping through one's grasp, yet this time, he remained tangible. "You've got some fucking nerve by telling us what to do," Logan spat, his grip unwavering despite Alexander's towering height.

Alexander merely offered a sardonic smile in response. "My apologies. Would you prefer to watch her die?" The weight of his words was enough to prompt Logan to release him.

"Enough both of you," I interjected, my gaze fixated squarely on Alexander. "If you ensure the safety of Lily, Jade, and the twins, I'll agree to whatever you ask from me."

Logan sputtered, "Morgan, no! What in the—"

"And include Logan in that bargain," I added firmly, watching as a pained expression overtook Logan's features.

"Anything?" Alexander's voice cut through the tension, eyeing me from head to toe.

"For fucks sake," Logan growled, his voice laced with a mixture of anguish and anger, his warning lost amidst the cacophony of Lily's winds. "Stop making deals with this piece of shit, Morgan!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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