Chapter 13

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The aroma of coffee enveloped me as I stepped into the coffee shop. After spending the entire night at Elena's house, surrounded by a full on parade of scents (most of them patchouli) it was a relief for my nose to focus on just one scent.
One delicious scent, I might add.

Deep down, I knew I should have stayed with Elena. They weren't pleased when I told them that I'd be working today, but I promised I'd return to sleep there. I just needed a brief respite. What kind of life would it be if I were trapped in one place forever out of fear?
Besides, now I knew the demon couldn't really hurt me because I still needed to fulfill the bargain... or we would both suffer the consequences.
I just... needed to buy myself some time.
To think.

And then there was Carly. Despite her quirks and occasional rudeness, she had been nothing but supportive. She helped me when I couldn't even muster the strength to shower. I really couldn't let her down. She gave me chance after chance and if I started to skip work, I would only look ungrateful. And I owed her. I owed her big time.

"Morgan! I thought you already left," Jessica's voice startled me as I cleaned the cappuccino machine. My shift ended ten minutes ago but I just needed more coffee scent to fill my nostrils before leaving. "You're coming to my party tonight, right?"

I paused, momentarily forgetting about the event. "Oh... that's tonight?"

"Come on, Morgan. It's Jessica's birthday; you have to come," Kate chimed in beside me. I almost jumped when I didn't realized she had been next to me this whole time.

Despite our limited interactions as coworkers, I couldn't fathom why they were so insistent.

"And remember, you have a plus one! So, you know, you can bring someone!" Jessica added, her hands resting on my shoulders as she peered around from behind. Her smile was the meaning of fake innocence. So I understood why she was so insistent. She just wanted to get to see that bastard

"Anyone?" A familiar soothing voice said from behind, making us all jump in place. And as we all turned... we saw him. I saw him.
And I stiffened.
He was just as devastating as I remembered.

He walked toward us, his steps graceful, powerful, like a lion cornering a gazelle. His black hair matching with his pants and shirt only added to his aura of danger.
A slow chill descended through my whole back as I remembered that in front of us, we had a very powerful demon, who was starving for my soul.
It all became way too real too quickly.
I could feel my face turning to a sickly green hue.

His azure gaze lingered on me before sweeping over my coworkers, who stared at him in awe. His grin was like a knife in the darkness, a primal instinct warning of the danger lurking beneath the surface of his charm. But they didn't seem to notice. They were completely intoxicated by him. By this monster.

"Hi, I'm Jessica," Jessica introduced herself eagerly, extending her hand to shake his. I remained dumbstruck, unable to utter a word, but then she added, "Would you— would you like to come to the party tonight?"

"What?!" I nearly exclaimed, drawing the attention of nearby customers who glanced at me as if I were insane.

"Oh," he responded, taking her hand delicately to his lips and planting a gentle kiss on it. "I would love to." And a sickening feeling twirled in my stomach at the sight of it.

Jessica blushed furiously and giggled like a child, while Kate remained transfixed, unable to tear her gaze away from him. With mouth completely opened.
His beauty was undeniable, his presence magnetic, no doubt. I couldn't fault them for being captivated. Yet, beneath that alluring exterior lurked a demon—an entity seeking for human souls. He was probably planning on taking their souls too—

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