Chapter 20

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As the sun's first rays pierced the morning sky, I found myself once more wondering about our little visit. Wondering and thinking about the silent corridors of the museum, the purpose of our repeated visits a riddle wrapped in enigma.

Despite my fervent efforts, I couldn't remember why we were at the museum, the memory slipped through my grasp like elusive smoke.

Surprisingly, he left every other memory in my head. The guards, the possession, the killing...and the forbidden intimacy of our shared thoughts remained vivid in my memory.
It was intriguing.
Annoying, yes.
But intriguing too.
If I would've been the demon I would've erased everything. Why choose?
The water streaming down my body definitely helped with the unease.
But not much. Even if my skin was getting cleansed I still felt dirty. Someone had died. And had done absolutely nothing to stop it.
The image of the guard haunted my thoughts, his gaze gradually losing focus, his body crumpling to the ground with a loud thud. Right at the demon's feet.

Opening the shower curtain, I almost missed the toilet as I started throwing up. The weight of the death weighed heavily on my conscious.
It was all my fault.
Despite my facade of superiority over that damned demon, deep down, I knew we were the same. We were just as evil. We shared a soul. And it showed when he took a life and I stood by.

Clutching the toilet seat, I emptied the last bit of my stomach's contents. Because even if the demon had promised this guard was a bad person, I had taken someone else's father. Someone else's son. The unsettling truth gnawed at my insides, refusing to be ignored.

I desperately needed to get out of the house. I couldn't stand one more second staying alone with my thoughts.
As I grabbed a sandwich for the ride, I went straight to Elena's home.

Upon reaching Elena's doorstep, a curious sight greeted me—a multitude of vehicles clustered around the entrance. My mind couldn't help but wonder if maybe his father and sister were finally home. Although today was not the best day to meet new people; after what I did one night prior, my heart still skipped a beat as I realized I was probably going to meet his whole family.

I fixed the delicate pink dress I borrowed from Mia's wardrobe, taming my unruly long hair into submission with a bun. I took a deep breath drying my sweaty palms on my dress, and knocked gently on the door.

The door opened and my eyes widened.
There, at the door greeting me was the most beautiful woman I've seen.
A gorgeous blonde girl whose mere presence commanded attention. Her eyes, pools of cerulean blue, glistened with a captivating depth, framed by long, fluttering lashes that accentuated their allure. Her full lips curved into a welcoming smile, their rosy hue a striking contrast against the porcelain freckled color of her skin. A petite nose adorned her delicate features, while a single dimple graced her left cheek, adding a touch of playful charm to her radiant visage. With grace and poise, she exuded an air of effortless elegance, her every movement was a spectacle to my eyes. Her eyebrows wrinkled together and the reason wasn't too hard to guess. My mouth was completely open and I hadn't closed it since she opened the door.

"May I help you?" she inquired, with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She bore no resemblance to Logan or Elena, yet her youthful appearance aligned her with Logan's age. Maybe she was his sister— maybe cousin. "Hello?" She asked waving a hand in my face as I realized I was still staring with my mouth opened.
"Ugh. Who the hell is this? And why are her eyes so big? She looks scary." I heard, but her lips weren't moving.
Oh, no.

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