𝟎𝟎𝟗 | 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐞! 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬!

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" AYE, EVERYBODY GUESS WHAT! " Dalvin exclaimed excitedly, running down the steps with a huge smile on his face getting everyone who sat on the couches attention.

" you're leaving?" K-Ci asked with his eyebrows raised while his face lit up.

Dalvin furrowed his eyebrows, " what? no."

" oh! you got us food?" Rae questioned with a smile, looking over at her friend who stood by the stairs.

" do it look like i have food in my hands?! no!" Dalvin scoff which made her sigh.

" you finally decided to leave us alone for once?" De asked right afterwards.

" what- no!"

" then what?" JoJo finally asked, sitting his word search down in front of him.

Dalvin smiled, " i'm glad you asked my brotha'!" he then walked over, standing in front of his friends and brother proudly.

" y'all remember a couple weeks ago, right? we all wanted to go on a trip this spring break to Jamaica!"

everyone eyed him, nodding their heads. " yes, what happened?" Mel asked, concernedly.

" lucky us, i got all six of us tickets to go!" Dalvin shouted, holding up the six tickets in his hands. all of them got up from the couch in excitement, cheering with joy.

" how did you get the tickets?" Rae questioned while Dalvin handed each of theirs.

" i have my ways or let's just say, i'm a genius!" Dalvin told her confidently.

" when we're leaving?" K-Ci asked, snatching the ticket out Dalvin's hands.

" tomorrow!" everyone jumped up and down but JoJo soon stopped as he thought of something. " wait, how we gonna tell our parents?"

everyone looked at each other, not really sure. well, since they all teenagers, they could possibly need a adult. . . right?

" just tell them it's for a our impact club, no big deal." K-Ci suggested with a shrug. everyone nodded, thinking that's the best idea.

• • •

it was the next day; their parents didn't mind, mostly didn't care since they just wanted them out the house for once.

DeVantè parked in front of K-Ci and JoJo's house as he watched K-Ci bring out it looks like six or five bags of luggage's.

" are you serious?" De asked looking over at K-Ci who placed his stuff inside De's trunk with everyone else's.

" all of your stuff not gonna fit!" Dalvin pointed as he watched K-Ci struggle.

" exactly, where my stuff gonna go?" JoJo asked, crossing his arms. " 'cause i know damn well i ain't holding 'em the whole ride to the airport."

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