But Kira— he spies the uncomfortable shifting of the second man, how his hands, folded into each other on the counter, twitched and shifted in thought—

—and his eyes flick to the main door opening, streaming the brightest light into the caverns of the dim casino. There's a spot of recognition Kira picks up on that flashes across the face of the second man, and curious he turns to see what could've been, and probably was, just any average knucklehead walking in.

He's gone in a moment, the person that had entered, and Kira returns to look at the gentleman and his friend.

A palm leaf seemed to sprout from the second man's head, feathered and wild, his face had a wild structure beneath its malformed skin, which looked permanently twisted into a potent worry.

And the heavy fur coat, sleeveless for whatever reason but to expose his trained arms, drooped over his oddly figured build, smoothing over the rough plains of his creation. Hunched and unnaturally degitigrate.

Quasimodo, so he had come to be named in Kira's mind, began to experience some sort of tremor, brief in its appearance, though it brought forth a pool of sweat that leaked down his porous, scarred face. 

Kira adverted his gaze once he noticed the Quick Look's Quasimodo gave him, and the shaky breaths he began to take, worried his staring may have given him some strange infliction.

The blond man, the original wonder, let out a brief smirk and chuckle under his breath as Kira stared, licking his teeth again and exposing a gap Kira hadn't noticed before. 

"Late question to ask-" The man breaks the silence, sliding forward the cold mug and tapping the table. "—but who's your boss here?"

Kira let out a long, cleansing sigh. His face contains emotions that cannot begin to be described but at the same time one may have a deep understanding of— Holding in a deep sign of vague anxiety and ache as well as tiredness on a cosmic level, knowing then releasing it won't help.

"Was the coffee not to your liking, sir?"

"No, it was fine. I only had a question."

"I'm sure I could pass it along."

Kira's eyes briefly snapped back to where that man from earlier disappeared to. He was nowhere to be seen. And yet, the sensation of being watched seized him, and his heart sped in his chest.

"No, I'm afraid it's something important. Where can I find them?"

"It depends on who you're asking for in specific." Kira responds. His eyes frantically search for who he can feel spying on his every move, between the moving chaos of people crashing such as violent waves in a torrent sea, the conclusion reaches him that it may very well be more than one person.

"I'm looking for your boss. You know who I'm asking for." The man spoke with a tone clear upon his agitation.

"I don't have a clue, you'll have to name someone. Otherwise, I might bring out five people." Kira said.

"(Y/n)(L/n), where may I find them?"

Kira laughs for a split moment, and disregards the man in favor of returning to the glass he was supposedly burning a hole in. "They aren't here today, unfortunately. Come back tomorrow and try then."

The stranger drums his fingers on the counter. His blue eyes meet Kira's and for a moment the latter is convinced he can look right through him.

Who the hell is this guy.

"You lied, didn't you, you know who I'm talking about. Your nails ripped at that cloth just now, right?" The man jumps at him with flying points. Kira maintains his dumb facade. "You know who we're looking for. Why are you hiding them? Show us where they are."

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