Mai looks identical to her twin sister, Maki Zenin, but with her hair cut shorter. She has mid-length green hair that reaches just to her neck, dark brown eyes, and thin eyebrows. Mai's school uniform consists of the traditional school uniform, except wearing a customized, baggy version of the school uniform seemingly in order to hide her revolvers and bullets, which are seemingly her weapons of choice.

Izuku however easily dodged all the shots fired at him as he did a number of acrobatic flips, Mai quick to adjust though as, instead of focusing on trying to hit Izuku, she switched to trying to steer him towards her sword wielding school mate, Kasumi Miwa, who tried to use her new shadow style domain to slash Izuku with a hyper accelerated sword but only to miss completely as Izuku acrobatically jumped and flipped over her attack and in fact flipped over her body entirely.

'W-what? He actually dodged that attack…in that situation? H-how? Granted I hesitated slightly but there is no way he should have been able to dodge that attack!' Miwa thought incredulously.

Kasumi was a beautiful, innocent looking young woman who has long, light blue hair that extends past her shoulders and frames her forehead. She also has dark, triangular eyebrows and asymmetric bangs. Kasumi was wearing a black, long-sleeved jacket over a light-colored button-down shirt and a black tie, pants, socks, shoes, and a belt that she uses to hold her sword.

'Wow looks like Principal Gakuganji didn't waste time trying to assassinate me again. I didn't expect him to use the students for something like this though. What a bold guy.' Izuku thought as he saw a robot looking guy and another long range weapons specialist, this time a bow user, arrive and take strategic positions that were meant to block all of his exit points.

'Junpei should have taken care of their scout, so how did they even find me so quickly? Their scout is not here for this assassination attempt, which means that Junpei actually did do his job. So they have another means of tracking besides her?' Izuku thought analytically, however, just as he was about to make his next move, he found himself standing on the tree that the bow user was standing on, looking down at the bow user, who was now standing where Izuku himself was previously standing.

'What the hell just happened? Whose technique was that? How did I get teleported over here?' Izuku thought incredulously, and also warily, wondering who the hell had such an advanced technique, the same exact thoughts going through the bow wielder's mind, Izuku taking note of this as he realized that everyone else was just as confused as he was, with the exception of only Todo.

'Izuku, I might be able to decipher this technique but I need a bit of time'

When Izuku heard thsi from Hitachi both him and Sukuna got confused looks on their faces.

But Izuku simply shook his head, 'Alright, do what you gotta do'

"Kamo! What the hell do you think you are doing? Did I not tell you not to interfere with me!" Todo exclaimed angrily.

"No you didn't it. You only said that we shouldn't order you around!" Kamo retorted.

Noritoshi Kamo was a tall young man who stands above all his Kyoto High peers save for Todo. He has gray-colored eyes that are normally kept completely shut and black hair. His hair was  in an orthodox style with strands of hair wrapped in front of his face while the rest of his hair flows behind his head down to his neck. He was spotting a dark blue shozoku version of the Jujutsu High uniform with zori sandals with white socks. For weapons, he has a quiver on his back and carries a bow go shoot arrows as part of his fighting style.

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