Join us for a bite

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That night you had trouble sleeping, everything bothered you, the mosquitoes buzzing everywhere and biting you, leaving you itching bites on your legs, the warm weather didn't even help, every time time you would remove your sheet over your body, a few minutes after you were freezing cold.

You groaned, completely exhausted, getting out of bed at 4 AM, knowing that you couldn't sleep at all that night, you scratched one of the mosquitoes bite again, before getting out of bed.

Then you remembered something.

The cassette..

You thought, quickly opening the drawer of your nightstand stand, there, ut laid the recorder whit inside the cassette #11.

You haven't touched it in months since the weren't finding nothing, but that night, you decided to re-use it, talking about what happened in the past 2 months.

"Day.." Wait.. You completely forgot what day you were in, you quickly stopped the recording and played back the last recording

"Day 9 of working under cover.. Wohoo...
Well, technically, it's day 890 if you count the other 881 days I've been working on this case for.. Sigh.. It's been a while since my mom called, to tell me how I was, if I ate.. If I slept well.. How my job was doing... Gosh.
And to think I hated her for doing that..."
Your voice in the last few words of the recording cracked, and the recording stopped.

You completely forgot about that recording, a tear traveled down your face, you quickly wiped it off.
You mom still hasn't called you, you tried to call her several times, but the phone would ring empty, then a pre-recorded message would start:
"This is [M/N], leave a message before the beep and I'll maybe call you back"

"Let's stop thinking about mom."

You ordered to yourself, starting the recording.

"Day 971 of trying to solve this forsaken case.. It's been only three months since I went under cover, and the only thing I found was that I'm in love with one of my co-workers. You know Dave? the one that I described his smile as creepy? well him. Clues, still 0 and my will to live also. Nothing really happened except that I'm making 127 dollars a week."

You stopped the recording, you looked at the time: 4:34AM, nothing really changed, you still couldn't sleep.

You let out a sigh of frustration.

• • •

You arrived in front of the pizzeria quite early, only Jeremy's motorcycle was there, so you just decided to wait in the parking lot inside your car, you turned on the ac to cold air of your car, and rested there, not really knowing what to do.

Soon, you closed your eyes, finally relaxing, you took a deep breath of relaxation, slightly leaning the car seat backwards.
But right as soon as you felt your body finally fall a sleep, you were woken up by the sound of muffled groaning.
Your eyes burst open, looking out of the window: Your car was parked right in front of the pizzeria, you stared at the hallway beside the building, still hearing groaning, like as if someone was moving something heavy.

"What the.." You murmured, right as the groaning stopped, you were confused, was someone hurt?

You wanted to check, you quickly grabbed the door handle, but as you were about to open the door and discover what that sound was, Dave, popped out of that hallway, quickly walked out of it.

"Dave?" You raised a brow, even more confused, he froze in place as he saw your car parked in front of him.

You got out of the car.
"Dave?" You repeated, you scanned him up and down, he was clean.

illegal love || William Afton x readerWhere stories live. Discover now