-Ze health inspector-

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TW: this chapter contains sexual content!!

Yes I know the reference is a DSaF one but shh alright?

Dave proceeded to drive you home, the bag on your lap made also your new suit wet of rain water, you were clueless that Dave was just making shits up.

You looked outside the window, admiring the night sky. the whole drive to your apartment complex was pretty much silent, it was kinda impressive on how Dave learned so easily your address.

He dropped you off in front of the establishment, giving you a slight wave before driving away..
This time it felt different, like the time he wore that yellow rabbit mask.

The case...


It had been almost two months since you were undercover at that pizzeria, you still hadn't found ANY clue (or maybe you did but you didn't notice).

You had asked Alex if she had found any other newspaper like the one that Dave strangely got so defensive of.

You and Dave had actually grown pretty close after that night, it was still pretty surprising seeing him whit a genuine smile on his face or letter out a chuckle every once in a while, but for some reason only whit you...


Like now every day, you woke up at 6:45AM, your alarm went off and you quickly turned it off, not wanting to hear it for the 50th time.
You got out of bed, May, the best month of the year, when at the end of the month school finishes and summer begins, not to mention the beautiful weather whit all the newly rosed flowers of the spring throughout the whole month.

You got out of bed, feeling as tired as always, you didn't even thought about recording your voice for future shit like that, you had stopped for a while now, you weren't finding anything and you'd probably just had to leave the job and go back to your normal life.. Staying in that office for hours only to have 5 mental breakdowns as you still tried to solve the 5 children case.

You were this close to just quit being a detective and actually starting to work at that pizzeria that only paid you 123 dollars a week, but you definitely had more fun.

You stumbled towards your kitchen, starting on the coffee machine.

Day 48 of doing this undercover thing, I don't even think I'm undercover anymore, i had been in my office for a while..

You thought as you turned off the coffee machine and began to drink your coffee.
You had finally bought a car , you didn't have to be driven home by Dave now.

. . .

You looked yourself in the mirror of your bathroom, you could feel the difference, before you went undercover, you didn't look right.. Always looking tired, your hair always a mess out from stress. But now it seemed like you were looking at a better version of yourself in that reflection.

You like it.

You turned off the sink and quickly left the bathroom as you noticed you were going to be late for work.
You grabbed your house AND this time also your car keys.

You parked in front of the pizzeria at 8:13AM, you were 13 minutes late, but who cares, the pizzeria wouldn't start to fill up whit people until 12PM unless there was a birthday party.

As you entered the establishment, you didn't see no one so you u just thought they were inside the staffroom, like always.

You walked your way to the end of the hallway, staring at the tag on the last door that said "Staff only" You pulled the door, revealing three figures talking and laughing and another just minding their only business in a corner.

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