-The less i know the better-

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Day 880.. still have no clue on how I'm supposed to solve this case.. but Clay suggested I'd go undercover to this place that opened a few weeks ago sigh let's hope for the best..

You stopped the recording, placing the tape inside the drawer of your car before getting out of it.

there you were the next day at exactly 1:50PM, 10 minutes earlier to your interview at this hell hole place just to get more information about the sick man -or woman- that killed those kids..
The only thing you onew for now is that the last pizzeria was owned by two men called William Afton and Henry Miller and that the 5 kids that were missing are called: Susie, Gabriel, Fritz, Jeremiah and Cassidy...

You took a deep breath, before you walked inside you checked your reflection in the glass door of the establishment to see if you were appealing for someone to hire you.
Your hair were tied in a high ponytail, letting two strands of hair fall in front of your face, you wore a white button up shirt and flared jeans.

You decided to put some concealer to cover your massive eye bags and some mascara.

You finally decided to push the glass door but it didn't open, a sign on the glass door attracted your attention, it said "PULL" in big ass letters. You breathed out loud, now opening the door the correct way. What a great way to start...

As you walk towards the front desk, you inspected around, you saw children running around, parents talking at their booths, on the right there was an arcade area, where what seemed like a human sized white fox laid on the gross floor in a thousand pieces as kids approached it and began to break it even more, poor thing, i guess.

you looked a head, only now noticing a woman whit the biggest smile ever on her face, as she was on a call whit someone. You slowly approached the desk, waiting for the woman to hang up, she glanced at you then back at to her side, the woman had curly (probably a permanent) dust blonde hair, you noticed a tag pinned onto her shirt, it said "DANIELLA"

'Daniella' a few seconds later hang up, now looking back at you. You pursed your lips, but before they could make any sound she spoke.

-"Y/N, right?"
'Daniella' smiled even more, you slowly nodded, your brown raising, how could she remember your name? maybe good memory, who knows.

You nodded, now anxiously tapping your fingers onto the desk.

-"The managers office should be the last door to that corridor on the left."
'Daniella' explained, pointing a finger at the corridor, you looked to your left, only to see a pretty lighted corridor, this place was definitely less creepy than the other one..

-"Alright then, good luck!"
'Daniella' exclaimed, you look back at her and smiled, before heading your way to that hallway.

You soon approached a door that had a sign on it that said "G.BAILEY".

To took another deep breath, closing your eyes for a few seconds.

-"remember, everyone here might be a suspect."

you thought, before opening your eyes and proceeded to knock on the door three times.

-"Come in!"
A voice chirped from the other side.

You slowly opened the door, poking your head first, you saw a woman that couldn't have been a day younger than 21, she a had puffy afro hair and wore black smocking like she took her job too professionally, her lips were accentuated whit a bright red lipstick, matching the red bright heels she was wearing.

illegal love || William Afton x readerWhere stories live. Discover now