Chapter 32 - Sunday, January 12th

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Talia and I had decided this morning that we weren't going to have our picnic today. Not only is it so cold out that your eyelashes could freeze off, but Talia has caught a severe cold she has probably caught from some of the people at last night's party.

Talia is bundled in her bed with a dozen blankets covering her. She looks at me from under her mound. "So Fred showed up to the tower and what? He told you he's back with Angelina?"

I shake my head. I'm sitting up against my headboard as I fiddle with the picnic blanket Fred gifted me that's in my lap. "They're not back together, but he confirmed he went to her room and he also confirmed that they kissed,"

"Like hooked up?" Talia's raspy voice goes up a notch.

"All he got out was that they kissed. I don't know what kind of kissing," I move my fingers from the blanket to Della, who now sleeps on it every night. She seems to be attached to it.

"Do you want me to ask Nathan?" Talia asks graciously. I know she doesn't mind getting her boyfriend involved, but I don't really want to get any information from outside sources.

"No, don't bother. I already told Fred that I can't deal with him leading me on anymore," I pick Della and the blanket that I thought meant something to the spot next to me. "Do you want tea or anything? I'm gonna go to the kitchen."

"Tea would be wonderful," Talia smiles.

I change into lounge clothes since I'll probably get back into bed after this to do some work or reading, and leave the dorms to go to the kitchen.

As I make the short trip to the kitchen entrance, I bump into my sister alone.

"Luna," I call to grab her attention. She stops in her tracks and looks at me, coming closer when she sees me.

"Hi, Ellie."

"How are you?" I ask, meeting her in the middle of the hallway.

"Great. Classes are going well, and I went on a date with a boy this weekend," Luna offers her signature soft smile.

I can't help but feel a little shocked at this new information, but I don't let it show on my face. "Oh, really? That's sweet. Do I know him?"

She shrugs, "His name is Rolf, and he thinks father is smart."

I can't place the name, and I ignore the comment about dad and say, "That's very nice, Luna. I'm happy for you."

Luna shuffles in her lilac shoes, seemingly contemplating if she should speak, but eventually asks, "Are you and Fred together?"

I clear my throat, "No, we are not."

She stares blankly at me. She waits a minute to respond, "Okay, I have to go. I'm meeting Neville at the library. Goodbye, Ellie."

"Bye, Luna," I smile and watch her leave.

Once she's gone, I go into the kitchen and grab two teas for Talia and me. I make it back to the room swiftly, but as soon as I go inside I know I'm only staying for a moment. Nathan and Talia are cuddling on her bed reading a book together.

"Talia, I have your tea. I would've gotten you something, Nathan, I didn't realize you'd be here," I walk over and leave the tea on Talia's bedside table.

"No worries, I just got from breakfast."

Talia sits up and grabs the tea, "Thanks, El, I desperately needed this."

I walk to my side and set my tea down, grabbing a Hufflepuff sweatshirt and throwing it on. I then collect the books for the classes I have work to complete for. "I'm gonna head down to the library for a bit to do work. I'll be back in a couple hours."

I say bye to both of them, and leave them to wallow in Talia's germs together.

As soon as I am in the library situated with all work I need to do in front of me, the short-lived peace is broken. Books are dropped on the opposite end of the table and George takes a seat across from me.

"Hello, love," George greets me. "How are we?"

"Good, George," I put the book in my hand down, offering a smile. "How are you?"

"I'm swell," George twirls his wand between his fingers, "Fred was definitely not happy coming home last night."

I roll my eyes at his lame attempt to bring up his brother. "George, I cannot keep getting called a slut while simultaneously getting led on at the same time."

"I'm not here to defend him, but he wasn't leading you on," George furrows his eyebrows, "he likes you, Ellie. And I know you heard he kissed Angelina, but she came onto him. He did not seek her out."

I know I should've led Fred explain if for himself, but I'm dramatic and cannot wait for the explanations before deciding on my feelings. I look back to my work, knowing I needed to get this work done to be ahead.

"You can sit here and do work with me, or you can continue talking about Fred to yourself," I throw him a sarcastic grin.

"I'll be quiet."

because i liked a boy • fred weasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon