Chapter 31 - Friday, January 10th

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Because we have just gotten back from out winter break, we're having yet another "back to Hogwarts" party; this one is being hosted by Slytherin, and thank Merlin because I've been dying to get Slytherin-level plastered.

Over the course of this year, I've become more okay with leaving my dorm and going to parties more. Talia says it's about time because she used to have to drag me anywhere before this. She also claims that I am fun to be around when drunk, but I don't know how true that is.

Cormac used to drag me to things as well, but I still complained when he tried, too.

For tonight's party, I put on my trusty black mini dress and boots. I got tights that have flower patterns in them over break, so I throw those on as well.

"Could I borrow your eyeliner? Mine's all out," Talia holds up her empty tube of liquid-liner.

I toss her mine and tsk, "Always borrowing my shit."

"Yours is just so much nicer," Talia smirks at me as she carefully applies the black liquid to her eye.

Someone knocks on our door, but before either of us go open it Nathan walks in, "Hi, I'm here to escort you women to a party?"

I chuckle, "I am ready to be escorted."

Talia groans, "Just give me a moment. I fucked up my left eye."

Nathan and I patiently wait for Talia to remove and then reapply her liner until it's perfectly even with the other eye. Once she has fixed it, we all walk down to the Slytherin common room together.

"Where are your friends?" Talia asks Nathan, referring to the gingers I assume.

"They should already be inside," Nathan raises his voice slightly as the volume of the younger years chatter outside of the room.

Talia gives me a subtle nudge. I roll my eyes. All she's been talking about is how Fred and I need to "get it on" already, and I know this party is only going to fuel her fire.

We make it past the students who were hit with a rejection at the door, and walk inside with no issues. Without exchanging a word about where we should head first, we all walk to the crowded drink table.

"Get us something strong," Talia requests to her boyfriend, switching her hand from his to my arm to make sure we don't get separated. Nathan nods and heads inside the mob of people to grab our drinks.

"Do you remember when they had that candy floss flavored drink?" My face cringes at the memory of it.

Talia nods, her own face lighting up, "It was delicious!"

I gag, "It was a cup full of sugar."

Talia giggles as we watch Nathan emerge swiftly from the crowd. He holds two of the cups out to us, "Don't know what it is. A 6th year was making them."

I shrug and take a tiny sip to make sure it isn't vomit flavored. It's not; it's fruity and full of liquor.

"This works," Talia says after she tried it. I agree and look around. Most faces are familiar, those being ones we see at every party no matter where it is. It looks like they let the 5th years stay out in the common room tonight. A couple of them are picking up garbage while others are dazily bopping their heads to the music.

"Who're you looking for?" Talia shouts towards me.

"Not looking for anyone," I respond and take another sip.

Although I really wasn't looking for anyone, I can't stop my eyes from zoning in on one of the redheads. I look next to Fred and see-

"Why is he talking to Angelina?" Talia spits. Again, I shrug.

because i liked a boy • fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now