Chapter 7 - Sunday, September 22nd

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Last week's picnic was just Talia and I because of some informal quidditch meeting called for the Gryffindor team. Today, everyone joined again.

Unfortunately today isn't a day I want to be surrounded by everyone.

Everyone's engaged in a conversation about quizzes that are coming up as I nibble on the same square of cheese that I picked up five minutes ago.

"Do you think you'll pass?" Nathan asks someone, I don't look up to find out who.

"What about you, Ellie?" Fred asks.

Talia speaks up for me, "Ellie's never failed anything in her life."

I offer a small smile and pay attention to a tiny flower next to the blanket.

After a couple of minutes, I lay back and stare at the clouds above me trying to make a shape out of the white blobs. My eyes drift closed.

The aching in my heart hasn't subsided, but listening to the chatter of my friends while the breeze blows across my face takes my mind off of things for a while.

"Hey, Ellie," I feel someone sit down next to me. I open my eyes and watch as Fred settles into place. "How are you?"

I sit up, leaning on my elbows. "I'm fine."

"Why don't I believe that?" Fred questions.

A third-party butts into our conversation – why do people keep doing that? "Why do you care so much, Fred? Is she your girlfriend?" The harsh tone reminds me that Angelina was here, doing no socializing-all glaring at her partner.

"God, Angelina," Fred's eyes pinch closed. "For once, can you just not be a bitch?"

I take this extremely awkward moment to excuse myself from Fred and I's conversation. I get up and walk to where Talia is.

"Hey, maybe we should wrap this up?" Talia asks me. "It's already almost four and we have work to do."

I nod in agreeance and begin helping her shove everything into our bag, as well as pick up the rest of the food and garbage that's scattered around the blanket.

I sneak a look at the couple and see them full on arguing now. No shame about fighting in front of everyone.

I'm holding the bag open as Nathan comes towards me with the folded blanket. "They've been fighting too much for them to continue this relationship."

Something about being in such a toxic place in a relationship reminds me of my final moments of dating Cormac. We didn't fight every single day though, I wouldn't let it get to that point.

"He's also smoking a lot more," Nathan frowns. "Everything about this is unhealthy."

George must have heard us talking because he adds, "It's about time they put an end to this shit."

I button the bag together once everything is in and make my way towards the castle without saying anything to anyone.

"El, wait," George jogs to catch up to me. "Are you okay?"

I slow my pace and shake my head, "Not right now, but don't worry about it."

Quickening my pace so I don't need to continue speaking to George, I keep my head low until I'm in the safety of my own dorm. I shower the day off of me, and get into bed after filling Della's bowls with food and water.

I skip eating my own dinner, the few pieces of cheese I had before already not sitting right in my stomach.

After Della eats, she comes and lays on the pillow next to the one I'm lying on. Della seems to know my emotions well – she probably won't leave my side for the next 24 hours that I will be spending in this bed.

because i liked a boy • fred weasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora