Chapter 22 - Sunday, December 1st

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It's beginning to get unbearably cold outside, so today's picnic was moved to the Gryffindor common room; apparently the amount of plants in the Hufflepuff common room gives George allergies, so we had no choice but to go into theirs.

Their common room is a lot homier than ours is; they have comfortable couches all around, the big fireplace always seems to be warming up the area. Our common room is always a bit humid with a stray Slytherin walking around.

I took a seat on the two-cushion couch where Fred sat next to me. Nathan is sat on an oversized chair with Talia leaning against him on his lap. George is sitting on the floor by my feet, his back against the couch.

"Chocolate?" Fred holds a plate of chocolates and pastries out to me. I take one of the small truffles and let it melt in my mouth.

"Thanks," I say to him. My legs are crossed on the couch, and I lean a bit on Fred as I sip my tea.

"They're so cute," Fred mutters to me. Della and Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, have been passing a ball of yard between them for the past couple minutes. I'm assuming they became friends at some point because as soon as we came in, they found each other.

"I've always wondered what she gets up to when she leaves my room," I joke. "Looks like she's got a boyfriend."

"Must be nice," George grumbles from below. I lean up and look at him, "You want a boyfriend?"

"I want someone," George looks up at me. "Why is it that nobody wants to be my girlfriend?"

"Maybe because you're a git," Nathan laughs at his friends lack of relationship. "You show up to a party and have your eyes on a different person every time."

"That's because there are so many attractive people that deserve my attention," George argues back.

Fred moves the plate so it's in front of me again, so I steal a fruit pastry. "What kind is this?"

"I'm not sure, let me try it," Fred tells me. I lift the pastry up to his mouth and let him bite it. I'm still leaned against him while he chews.


"Well, this is rich, isn't it?"

We all look up and watch as Angelina and a couple other Gryffindor girls walk in, including Alicia.

Angelina says, "Nice to see it took you so long to forget about me."

My eyes drift over all of their faces; every single girl with Angelina looks like they wish I had been 30-feet-under yesterday.

When will she get over herself?

"It's not like that."

I restrain my head from snapping into his direction. I try to keep my composure for as long as possible, but I can't seem to. I move my body as far as I can from him and look at his face, "It's not?"

Fred's eyes swirl with emotion, but he tries to correct himself, "That's not what I meant."

I scoff, "I don't really see how you can mean it any other way."

Angelina's laugh echo's the room. "Maybe Fred hasn't forgotten about me," Angelina coos. Her eyes flick to me with fire burning in them, "Especially if he wants to hide his little fling from me."

Alicia smirks at me, "You can't replace gold with dirt, and expect to forget about how much better it was to have the gold."

Fred finally speaks up, "I am done with Angelina. I didn't mean-"

"Yeah, right," Angelina says to her friends.

I stand up and put my tea on the table. A laugh full of disbelief leaves my lips, "You know what? I'm done. Screw this."

I grab my things as Fred also stands up and says, "Done with what?"

I shoot him a glare as I head towards the common room door. "With whatever bullshit game you're playing."

Fred starts to walk towards me, but George stands up and stops him by grabbing his arm, "C'mon man, just leave her alone for a moment."

Angelina claps her hands together and chuckles, "Oh, I'm sorry! I had the wrong twin! George and Ellie are fucking!"

I stop once I'm in her face. "I'm not fucking either of them, Angelina. But if I was," I pause and smirk at all of the girls around us, "Know that every single one of you would remain nameless to them for the rest of your lives."

Angelina puts her hands on my shoulders and shoves me back.

"I don't think so," Talia scoffs, standing up and rushing over to us. "Don't you dare fucking touch her."

Alicia matches Talia's move and comes right next to her friend; the four of us looking primal, ready to rip each other's hair out.

Nathan somehow ends up right behind us and moves Talia and I behind him. He looks at his fellow housemates and says, "Alright, let's stop. You can leave them alone now."

"Or they can get the fuck out of our common room," Alicia spits at Nathan.

Talia grabs my hand and pushes past her boyfriend and the group of girls in front of him. "Gladly, it smells like skank in here anyway."

We exit and make our way to our dorm, not saying anything until our door is shut. She lets go of my hand and we stand to face each other.

Within seconds, we're both on the ground laughing our asses off.

When I can finally get a word in, I choke out, "What the fuck does skank smell like?"

Talia holds a stitch in her side as I wipe a tear from my eye, and responds, "I have no fucking idea."

because i liked a boy • fred weasleyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum