
At the Manoban mansion.

Lisa - I entered Irene Unnie's room and saw her getting ready. I went to her and said, "Unnie, you look very hot."

Irene - I smiled and said, "Really?"

Lisa - I nodded and then asked, "Unnie, are you going on a date with your boyfriend again?"

Irene - I glanced at Lisa and then said shortly, "Yeah."

Lisa - I pouted and said, "I wish I could also go on a date with a handsome guy to a beautiful place."

Irene - I chuckled and said, "There are many handsome boys in our college. Just say yes to someone and see how special that person makes everything for you."

Lisa - "I don't find any guy in college handsome." I said, looking at the other side. Honestly, Jennie is very hot and handsome, but he's my enemy, my handsome enemy.

Irene - "Hmm, what about Jennie? What do you think of him?" I asked, glancing at Lisa through the mirror.

Lisa - I pretended as if I didn't understand what Unnie meant and then said, "What do you mean, what about Jennie?"

Irene - I turned my face towards Lisa, who was sitting on the bed, and said, "Stop pretending, and I know you've liked him since childhood. So, stop these prank games and play the game of love with him."

Lisa - I sighed and said, "Unnie, firstly, I don't like that dumpling 🥟. And secondly, I don't play pranks; he's the one who does. I just retaliate."

Irene - I sighed. I know this Monkey 🐒 will never admit it, but I know very well that Lisa, before becoming his enemy, never let anyone near Jennie during childhood and used to beat Jennie up when anyone talked to him, and their small fights gradually turned into pranks, and these two became each other's enemies. Then I saw my phone vibrating. I saw it was a message from Seul, who said he's outside.

Well, Seul is my boyfriend, and we've been together for 2 years. Both Jennie and Lisa have tried many times to break us up, thinking we're not right for each other. But we never broke up.

I got up, grabbed my bag, glanced at the mirror one last time, and then looked at Lisa, who was looking at me. I asked her, "Lili, do I look okay?"

Lisa - I looked at Irene and said, "As always, you look beautiful. But you know, there's a proverb that fits perfectly."

Irene - "Who?" I raised an eyebrow and asked.

Lisa - "You and your boyfriend."

Irene - "Now, tell me that proverb." I said irritably.

Lisa - "Putting grapes in a monkey's mouth. You are grapes, and Seul is the monkey in this proverb." I started laughing again.

Irene - I rolled my eyes and said annoyed, "Shut up, you monkey." Then I left the room, leaving her laughing behind.

Lisa - I stopped laughing and then said to myself, "I did tell the truth. Where Seul is a useless friend of Jennie's, my cousin is beautiful." I got up from the bed and went to my room.


Jennie - It's now 10:30 at night, and I'm going to the Manoban mansion. I've taken itching powder today. I'm going to sprinkle it all over her bed; she won't be able to sleep at all. It'll be so much fun.


I talked to the guards that I need to talk to Uncle; now I'm inside the Manoban mansion. I know everything about this mansion. I went straight to Lisa's room; almost everyone was asleep by now.

I slowly opened the door; thank God it wasn't locked. As I entered, I saw the bed was empty, but I noticed that cute kitten sleeping on the bed. I lifted its small bed from Lisa's bed and placed it on the couch. Then I took out the itching powder from my pocket, smirked, and started sprinkling it all over the bed.

After sprinkling it, I heard the sound of the door to Lisa's washroom opening. I looked towards it and saw what looked like a ghost in white clothes. I was very scared; there was also something white on her face. She was coming towards me, and my heart was beating very fast. I gulped and screamed, "Ghost, ghost!" I rushed towards the door of the room and came out, but when I looked back, the ghost was also coming after me.

I ran down screaming, and the ghost was coming after me, but suddenly, I bumped into someone. I looked, and it wasn't someone else but Uncle. Then Panting, I hugged him and exclaimed, "Ghost!"

Mr. Manoban - I hugged Jennie, then took out the remote from my pocket, turned on the light, and saw it wasn't a ghost; it was Lisa who was also panting. I wanted to laugh a lot, but I controlled my laughter and said, "Jen, it's not a ghost. Look."

Jennie - I broke the hug and looked back; it wasn't a ghost; it was Lisa. Oh God, how embarrassing it is. I got scared of Lisa. I felt embarrassed; I lowered my face.

Mr. Manoban - "Okay, kids, I'm going to my room now, but don't fight, okay? Goodnight."

Lisa - I removed the white face mask that I had applied for skin glow, then saw dad going to his room. I hardly started laughing, which I had been holding for a while.

Still laughing, I went to Jennie and teasingly smirked, saying, "Darling, you're very cowardly; you're even scared of a ghost."

Jennie - I grabbed Lisa from behind in anger, wrapping one arm around her waist and holding her tightly while using my other hand to grasp her neck. Quickly, I pressed my lips against hers and started kissing her.

Lisa was still trying to push me away, but I didn't let go. After a while, I bit her lower lip, causing Lisa to moan and open her mouth. I then began to explore her mouth with my tongue.

Now, Lisa started responding to me as well. I have become addicted to her lips ever since I first kissed her in college. I want to kiss her again and again.

Lisa - Jennie was too strong for me, I couldn't push him away, but the taste of his  lips was like strawberries. I couldn't resist kissing his back, and we both started kissing each other passionately. We only broke the kiss when we both needed to catch our breath.

When we broke the kiss, I looked into Jennie's eyes and, I don't know why, but I blushed. What the heck was I doing? Blushing for my enemy? No, that can't be right. Then I pushed Jennie away with all my energy and went upstairs to my room without saying anything.

Jennie - I blushed because I kissed Lisa for the second time, and this time she kissed me back. Blushing, I stepped out of the mansion and sat on my bike. I was really happy. Today, when I remembered Lisa's lips, I couldn't help but smile. I put on my helmet, started my bike, and rode back home, smiling all the way.

To be continue...

I'm very excited! The next part is going to be very exciting, are you all excited too? 🙈👻

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