Flight Entertainment

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Lainey sits in her seat. Olivia sits next to her. She looks at her watch.

Weren't we supposed to take off a half hour ago?

A Flight Attendant walks up carrying snacks and water.

Would you like a snack? Chips, pretzels, peanuts or cookies? 

Lainey looks longingly at the snacks.

No, I'm fine. I'll just have some water. And do you have any lemon? 

The Flight Attendant nods and hands her a bottle of water and a cup with a couple of lemon slices.

May I have a little bottle of whiskey?

The Flight Attendant hands her a whiskey.

Do you know when we'll be taking off?

Very soon.

Lainey watches as the Flight Attendant walks by her to the next row.

I'm going to take something to knock me out for the flight. You want one?

What? No. I'm being drug-tested when we land.

Right. See you when we land.

She pulls out a pill and tosses it back with the whiskey.

An announcement is broadcast through the cabin by the CAPTAIN.

We're just waiting for a busload of our athletes. They're almost at the gate. As soon as they board, we'll taxi to the runway.

Lainey looks over at the her Mom sitting next to her who's already attempting to sleep. She sighs.

Finally, the ski team boards the plane. Lainey scrutinizes them. Cory's slapping his teammates on their backs.

This is it boys. Rest while you can because we've got some ass-kickin' to do the next two weeks.

They all hoot and holler and high five each other. Cory then grabs his seat across the aisle from Lainey.

Lainey gets a whiff of something unpleasant. She puts her hand over her nose and pulls out some scented lotion. She rubs some on her hands and takes a deep breath.

Cory leans back and stretches his feet out into the aisle way, creating a trip hazard. Lainey rolls her eyes and turns away but then Cory BURPS loudly. She turns back to him.


Cory looks over at Lainey through his sunglasses.

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