Third wheel??

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In Taehyung's POV:

When I spotted Jungkook standing on the edge of the building, my instincts took over, propelling me to the roof in a rush.

As Jungkook teetered on the brink, I seized his arm, pulling him back forcefully, our bodies colliding and accidentally leading to a kiss.

"JUNGKOOK!!!" Jimin's cry pierced the air as he sprinted towards us.

He enveloped Jungkook in a tight hug, and they both broke into tears.

Once the shock wore off, anger surged through me.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Do you have any idea how precious life is? How could you even consider throwing it away?!" I yelled, tears of frustration welling in my eyes.

"Why do you even care?" Jungkook's voice trembled with emotion.

In that moment, Taehyung realized he was showing vulnerability.

"I don't care about you that way. If you died, I'd lose my only servant, that's all," Taehyung retorted coldly.

In Jungkook's POV:

Why was Taehyung so angry?

After Taehyung stormed off, leaving me and Jimin alone, Jimin's words caught me off guard.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry for everything. I know I don't deserve forgiveness, but I truly am sorry. I... I love you," Jimin confessed, his voice wavering.

"You what?" I asked, bewildered.

"I love you, Kookie," Jimin repeated, locking eyes with me.

Jimin loves me? But I thought he despised me.

"I love you too, Chimmy," I confessed, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

"Really? After all I've put you through?" Jimin's disbelief was palpable.

"Yes, I've liked you since we were kids, Jimin. But after high school, I thought you hated me," I admitted, tears threatening to spill.

"I'm so sorry, Kookie. Come here," Jimin beckoned, opening his arms for a hug.

As we embraced, tears flowed freely.

"What about Taehyung?" I suddenly remembered.

Jimin's expression faltered. "Oh, shit."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Jungkook, I love you, but I also love someone else..." Jimin trailed off.

My heart sank. "Who?"

"Taehyung, my boyfriend," Jimin confessed, almost forgetting he was in a relationship.


I fell silent, processing the revelation.

"Jungkook, I don't know what to do. I feel a connection to both of you, and at some point, I'll have to choose Taehyung as my mate. But I can't help falling for you," Jimin confessed.

"I understand, Jimin. Your mate is the most important," I replied sadly.

"You know what's funny, Jimin?" I said, a mix of sadness and amusement in my voice.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"I actually love Taehyung too. I've liked both of you since we were kids. But Taehyung hates me so much that I never thought anything could happen between us," I admitted.

"You like Tae too?!" Jimin's shock was evident.

I nodded, unsure of what to say next.

"How is that even possible? You like Tae, I like you, and Tae likes me. We could all be together," Jimin suggested enthusiastically.

I was dumbfounded by the idea.

"Would he even agree?" I wondered aloud.

"Let's go find out!" Jimin exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me along in search of Taehyung.

We eventually found him behind the school, smoking.

"Tae!" Jimin called out.

Taehyung turned to us, his expression darkening when he noticed me holding hands with Jimin.

"What's he doing here?" Taehyung demanded.

"Jungkook is in love with you!" Jimin announced cheerfully, oblivious to the tension.

Taehyung's shock mirrored mine, and I wanted to disappear.

"What?" Taehyung's voice was a mixture of disbelief and confusion.

"I know, right? It surprised me too, but it's great! Because I love both of you, Jungkook loves both of us, and you love both of us, so we should all be together!" Jimin declared.

"Who said I love him?" Taehyung's words cut through me.

"I don't care. We're all going to be together," Jimin insisted.

"Well, I'm not! Isn't this cheating on me?" Taehyung's anger flared.

I knew how much Taehyung desired Jimin as his mate since we were kids.

"If you don't agree, and I'm your mate, I'll reject you and be with Jungkook instead," Jimin threatened through their mind link.

"Are you seriously blackmailing me?!" Taehyung's voice echoed in my mind.

"Okay, I guess I'll reject you," Jimin responded, severing the link.

"Fine! Whatever! I'll be with him too!" Taehyung spat out, rolling his eyes.

"Great!" Jimin said brightly.

After the dust settled, we all sat together in the canteen.

"Hey, Tae!" Jackson greeted Taehyung.

"Hi," Taehyung replied.

"Can I bring my new girl to your birthday party?" Jackson asked.

"Sure!" Taehyung agreed.

"I bet some hot chick will be your mate, Tae! Lucky asshole!" Jackson joked before walking away.

"I'm so excited you're finally going to find out who your mate is!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm excited too," Taehyung said, his gaze fixed on Jimin.

"Jungkook, you're coming too, right?" Jimin asked.

"Uh, yeah," I replied, my disappointment evident. I knew I'd have to witness Taehyung finding his mate, and if it was Jimin, it would be even more heartbreaking since I'd lose both of my lovers.

As we sat there, Taehyung gazed at Jimin with adoration while Jimin laughed with Taehyung, oblivious to my feelings of longing and hurt.

"Why can't I ever experience love and happiness?" I wondered silently, staring at the two with a heavy heart.

TO BE CONTINUED........................................





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