"Uhh Umm are you...i mean yo__"

"Yes we are together, I am offended that taehyung haven't told you about us! " Dark queen exclaimed while fake pouting, my eyes widened before I peered them into lorthew's one who nodded curtly.

"Wow congratulations!" I parroted out. My insides genuinely happy for them,

"I should say that! So son in law, how are you feelings on your coronation day huh! " Dark queen stated while acting as if she was reporting me like the journalists in human realm, lorthew shook her head before tip toeing away from there

"Ahh happy!" I awkwardly replied, my cheeks flushing when she rolled her eyes while muttering 'boring'.

"We want details son in law, how was your night before, right darli__darling?? " She whipped her head here and there as she tried to search for lorthew who was nestled in the huge crowd.

"She went away when you were talking with me, dark queen! " I said tentatively, her eyes peered back at me as she narrowed them,

"Why don't you tell me before? "

"Oh I don't want to intrude you  inbetween you are talking!"

"Ugh why are you so polite, son in law. I cannot braid you even now!" she huffed out while shaking her head, I chuckled at the melodramatic reaction.

"By the way, taehyung was somewhere here! You go to him, I am going to my sweet darling! " She exclaimed before hopping in the throng of creatures, quickly disappearing from my vision line.

I shook my head before whirling around, my heart almost leaping on my hands when taehyung popped out of nowhere infront of me. My hand subconsciously clutched my upper right chest, my breaths heavy while my ears drummed with his laughters

"Oh god, did you get scared of my cute face? "

"You came out of nowhere, I was caught off guard! "

"I can tell that! " He said while roaming his eyes over me, a wicked grin forming on his face,

"You are looking good, but this time doyun wins! " I squited my eyes at the statement, my eyes looking down at me before I gazed back at his onyx eyes,

"What?? "

"You should see him, I mean I love you, but for a second I felt swooning away by his handsomene__"

"What nonsence? You are mine, I don't care if anybody is handsome than me or not, but you...you are not allowed to ogle at them, and the audacity to chirp that infront of me!" I outbrusted to my surprise, my stomach knotting in absolute paranoid. The fretful anxiety clogging my throat with bitter bile,

His eyes watched me wide eyed, an astournishing glint passing through them. Unable to mollify my temper, i stepped toward him, "You are taken by me, I don't like t-this"

I gruffed out gravelly, he suddenly smiled before giggling, "I was joking with you, I am yours, Okay!"

The affirmation put a damper on my rage, the receding anger bringing the vanishing sanity back into my brain. I quickly darted here and there to see if anybody by any chance listened to our conversation, but luckily everybody was busy in their own thing.

"I can't believe you trust my words so easily! Come on, you know that I can't find anybody more handsome than you. You are the most perfect being to me! " Taehyund added with his signature smirk, his cheeks though blushing with his own words. I laughed contented with his words, my eyes suddenly rank from his head to toe, absorbing his intemidaiting beauty and childish positivity.

LIGHT VS DARKNESS // taekook Where stories live. Discover now