Chapter Seventeen: Rehabilitate

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After they had breakfast, Corvin decided to take Kass to the woods.

"What do you want me to teach you?" asked Corvin, standing in front of Kass.

"Short-distance flying, first," Kass answered. Because I am tired of walking on my hands like a four-legged animal. I am sorry that I offended you."

" It's okay, Kass, Take off your clothes," Corvin said.

"Why?" Kass asked. "I just on a clean pair of clothes."

"So you are part of one of us," Corvin replied. I will teach you to be a man and dragon, too. Besides, I think it's easy to train without your clothes. Your clothes will be struggling for your wings when I am going to teach you how to fly and use your legs properly."

When Kass started to get undressed, he began to hear Angelise started to giggling in the background.


Kass tried to get up on his hind legs and tried to walk, but he kept tumbling down on the ground when he tripped on his tail and Angelise reached out with her left hand to help him to stand up.

Corvin reverts to his dragon form and wraps his tail around Kass's waist to support him standing up while he's flying behind Kass, then he says, "Are you sure that you want to do this?"
He landed in front of Kass and folded both of his wings.

Kass nodded and he said, "I want you to teach me to fly in short range to help me better to walk on my hindlegs."

"Oh okay, let some exercise to strengthen those legs of yours with the help of your wings," Corvin said then turned his head towards Angelise. "You can watch that I will teach him how to fly."

"Our wings are like extra limbs like insects do, but we used them similar to bats' and birds," Corvin explained when he reached his left dragon wing. Now expand your left wing then stretch your left arm. Next, tuck your right leg and use your tail to keep your right leg balanced."

"But, Master Corvin, my tail has a mind of its own, " Kass whined.

"Kasander, it is part of your body," he said to Kass exhausted. "Please tell it who's the boss and you are in charge of it."

" Okay," Kass said in nodded and he followed his demand.

"Good," Corvin said. "Now do it with your right wings and left leg being tucked when you fold your left wing and arm down. Don't forget to use your tail for balance."

He continued to listen to Corvin's demands.

"That's not bad for you're being a half-dragon", said Corvin uncoiled Kass. "Keep on doing those exercises back without my help until your feet ascend from the ground when your wings take to the air, gotcha?"

Kass nodded and he's trying to prevent himself from falling when he is doing exercises.

Corvin watched as Kass struggled at first, but soon he began to gain confidence and strength in his wings.

Kass begins to notice that his talon feet aren't touching the ground. His wings are picking the gusty winds when he is flapping them. He feels so alive like he's walking in the air.
"Wow," he amazed.

Corvin could see the determination in Kass's eyes, and he knew that his student was willing to put in the hard work to learn how to fly.

With each attempt, Kass was able to hold himself up longer and fly a little farther.
"I can fly!!!" he said in excitement.

Corvin called a break and landed next to Kass. "You're doing great, Kass," he said, patting him on the back. "Just keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it in no time."

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