Speed dates and Slow Lanes / Zita17

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Overworked drama TA and script reader Louis Tomlinson just wants to make it through the end of the semester unscathed when an impromptu desert road trip turns his relationship with his best friend and roommate Harry Styles upside down.

Basically, this is the story of what happens after a pair of idiots try to become lovers.

Co-starring Harry's vintage Mercedes named Delilah, with cameos by Shakespeare, mix tapes, Denny's, Walmart, Frank Sinatra, Joshua Tree National Park, Harry's crocheted bucket hat, and Louis' mesh tank top.

Based on the prompt: "harry & louis not together but living together get into a fight, and harry goes: "get in the car" "what" "get in the car. we are going for a drive and we are not coming home until we figure this out" "harry, it's 11pm on a tuesday" "so what. get in." and they solve their issues and end up having to stay at a bnb cause they drove too far, and guess what yea baby there is only one bed."

Tags: best friends to lovers, roommates, road trip, idiots in love, they love each other so much, four date rule, after college, little bit tiny angst, they are so domestic, Louis call Harry baby and he melts, light smut, sharing a bed, Airbnb, they are British but live in California.

8 chapters


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